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attitudes and AT

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no child left behind

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universal design

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To maintain confidentiality, pseudonyms are used for all participants in the transcripts, with the exception of myself. 

Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan entered Room1. Time:Tue Sep  9 20:32:12 2003


Hope>>Hello Tricia

Faith>>hi tricia..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hello all.

Amber>>Grace has a conflict so will be looking at the archive I post tonight and then sending some input later through discussions



Faith>>do we need to change our time?

Amber>>Let's get some business issues out of the way first

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>sounds like a good plan.  i see there were a number of posts to the discussion board today. 

Hope>>I posted a few things...

Hope>>trying to catch up...

Amber>>Grace has a conflict with Tuesdays at this time and Hope (or Hope have you fixed the problem--Hope is using a computer lab in a parking garage

Faith>>do we need to change days?

Faith>>or just the time?

Faith>>i'm flexible

Amber>>so I wanted to know what days and times might be better for folks (if possible) we have a bye...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>looks like i may need to run upstairs to get my calendar.  be back in a flash..

Hope>>I am open for days and nights, except for 1:30 - 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday...I have another class

Amber>>week next week so we have some time to figure it out but I want to make things avaiable to all

Faith>>i can't do mon or thurs evenings

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i'm back.

Faith>>can do anytime during the day on tues or wed

Amber>>OK I will look this over and send out an email of possible times and we will go from there


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>my schedule is pretty tight.

Amber>>how were the readings--general comments insights...

Amber>>Patricia you ran fast

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i see that thurs. does not work for faith, but tues and thurs (after 8:00)are best for on to the readings.

Amber>>tell us what times and we will work things out--or may have to stick with this time and figure something else out

Faith>>the wisconsin resource guide was very informative..

Hope>>from what I read, the readings are straight forward.  Glad to know there are guides and laws

Amber>>what did you find interesting from Penny Reeds guide?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>my initial reaction to the wati. org site was "gosh this font is big".  then i considered individuals with visual impairments.  however, the site is not bobby approved, so aesthetic design should be considered.  next comment will be about content.

Faith>>i reacted the same to the font..

Faith>>was relieved when the pdf file wasn't in 24 font..

Amber>>Interesting--Penny is one of the top in this area--also one of the initial people for the Bobby site input

Hope>>I don't mind the large font...I just don't like it when you print ... it gets cut off.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>faith, some of it is...the site offers ready to use, practical assessment for easy use.  sorry Amber, point me to the penny reference, please.

Amber>>we will get to some of the other approval ratings and assessment sites--Bobby actaully doesn't meet all the new reg's as well YET

Amber>>1.      Reed, P. (March, 2001) Resource guide for teachers and administrators about assistive technology.

Faith>>does maryland have an AT guide?

Hope>>I think it is good that because of so many requests that they took the initiative to create a guide...a building block for other states

Hope>>Also having consultants to work with the schools is a benefit

Hope>>and conducting training you know if they follow-up with the trainees after the training ???

Hope>>I am always open for improvements...

Amber>>each of the county's do--the state has some guidelines --most can be found (we will visit the websites and resources) on mdk12 site or the state main site searching for COMAR

Amber>>Hope--what type of follow ups would be good do you think?

Faith>>i felt like all of the readings reinforced the idea that AT should be available to all students (general comment)

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> i agree with faith. the student handbook offers multiple suggestions to assist students in the general classroom.

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> i found it interesting that penny reed informs the reader of devices that can be used for "daily living." for example...

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> she has conducted extensive research on what functions each of the devices serve, and created a matrix with prices to be used as a guide for those considering purchasing AT.

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> nobody replied to my request..does that mean my messages cannot be seen?

Amber>>Great--this was the idea

Hope>>possibly in class observations...questions to answer from the teachers...interviews with the children...

Amber>>with the first reading Reed--she talks about types of AT--and then goes on...

Hope>>reinforce what was taught in the classes

Amber>>and explains examples of each

Amber>>what AT have used and why? how?

Amber>>I meant...what AT have you used

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> i've built websites, and guided students through the process of providing a text transcript of a video/ audio clip uploaded to the web. i guess that's more universal design and web accessibility than AT

Hope>>I read that student that have trouble writing notes...can copy and paste information from the computer for their notes and paper...instead of having to hand write or copy what was typed... I have used this similar method in my classes and for work.

Hope>>Tricia I can read you messages...sorry I was answering Dr. Pruitt-Mentle's questions....

Faith>>i' haven't used any of the higher AT - but our research group is trying to have "speech bubbles" (audio text) in the ICDL

Amber>>I likw to use the pens with the big fat rubber ends--I really never thought about them being AT before I was introduced to AT

Amber>>I think all of us have used spell check and templates? correct? 

Faith>>right..never thought of spell check or cut and past as AT

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> yes the thesaurus is an excellent AT for all

Amber>>tell us more about the speech bubbles--this sounds interesting--I love the "term"

Hope>>I didn't think the pens were AT until now...I use them too because my right hand has problems from my car accident too... the selling tool  is for ergonomic reasons

Hope>>spell check...HOOOORRAYYY - I don't know what i would do with out it...templates and wizards are great too!

Amber>>Correct Hope--many things are "designed" with a "higher purpose and then others like and it hits the general market

Amber>>same thin with Velcro that NASA designed--now its hard for me to find shoes for my kids that tie

Hope>>my new computer at work has speech recognition capabilities...I have not used it because I do not have a microphone attached to the computer...

Amber>>Patricia--what did you find intersting? from Reeds paper?

Hope>>I am spoiled too by velcro shoes...and zippers too...I don't know how Lorenzo is going to learn to tie a shoe...

Hope>>would you consider all ergonomic products AT???

Hope>>that is great that it will transfer into everyone's daily life...I hope that it teaches that a lot of other things can be transferred too...

Amber>>so if you were teaching in a classroom and one of your students had poor eye sight--what strategies would you or could you use?

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> i've been in that situation ( a student with poor eyesight).

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> my student actually knew what he needed to do to improve his learning experience. he increased the font size on each of the web browsers.

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> he sat near the front of the classroom. and i increased font on all presentations.

Patricia Kathrine--Ryan>> furthermore, he shared his "workarounds" with the rest of the class, and his ideas fit well within the scope of our class. please confirm again..that this is viewable by all.

Hope>>one could be to use a larger computer screen or even the speech recognition so that they do not have to read, but rather listen

Amber>>I am not sure if ALL I can not really see the connection with the beds that move up and down with the classroom--but I guess they could still be considered AT perhaps not AT for classroom use

Amber>>3.      what did you think about the lesson plans ideas readings? with Project MEET overview showcase proceedings

Hope>>I guess for patients that are bed ridden...would be good to use to get closer to the screen or other devices, including a table

Faith>>i didn't think the lesson plans were that detailed.. i expected more..

Hope>>I liked how they were organized

Hope>>they have goals...tasks...what to team members and who to contact if further assistance is needed

Amber>>true--in the beginning I ws looking for the "rest of the lesson"--but then I figured out what the topic and site was trying to detail was lgeneral lesson plans that meet specific content standards--and then suggestions as to modifications for special populations

Hope>>tricia...your messages appear on my screen...

Amber>>Hope is Patricia sending messages?  I do not see them

Faith>>right.. tricia is doing private messaging

Hope>>Yes...I am reading her messages...

Hope>>how can she turn off the private option??

Faith>>not sure.. Amber.. you aren't seeing anything form tricia?

*-**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan left Room1. Time:Tue Sep  9 21:06:59 2003

*+**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan entered Room1. Time:Tue Sep  9 21:07:12 2003

  Amber>>I see she exited out--and now is back

Hope>>tricia - send a message to see if everyone can see it

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>alright friends.  yes, i was responding to all comments/ questions.  i saved a transcript of my posts. [inserted in discussion above]

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>somebody sent a url to me, and after that i was sending private messages somehow. my bad.

Hope>>Dr. Pruitt-Mentle sent the URL so we could see Reed's guide

Amber>>well that is a new one--always something different!

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i kept asking if you could read the messages.  hope was a sport.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>should i copy and paste some of my responses..i think not. we can continue where we left off.  Amber, i'll share my posts with you via email.

Amber>>so... we were talking about the lesson plan activites--did everyone find the examples of modifications helpful? intersting?

Amber>>I thought this might give you ideas as we move down the road in the semester and try to create our own

Faith>>that's a good idea...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, the ideas were most helpful.  the resource creates a new way of thinking for me. 

Faith>>i'd be interested in observing a class that models them in the field..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>oh faith, me too.  i thought about doing that for my project/ paper.

Amber>>I think the private messages show up on the transcript anyway--but we will know for saure when I post them--no problem

Faith>>might be a useful thing for us all to do..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>does anyone know if francis fuchs special center in college park (pg county) uses much at?

Faith>>i'm not familiar..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>it's an early childhood center.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>otherwise, i may tap into marcy kaplan in baltimore to check out practical uses of AT.

Hope>>I have heard of the center, but I do not know their programs...

Amber>>so what are some ideas as what you (or suggestions you might give to ANY teacher) who has students that don't have great vision?

Faith>>auditory text...

Amber>>Marcy will hopefully be talking with us online later in the semester

Hope>>as suggested, sit up front and have the teacher use typed texted rather than hand writing on the black board...and even pass out the presentations to be read at a later time

Amber>>They also have resources here on campus--they come out of the main library

Hope>>the presentations could even be passed out prior to the class so that the student could read it at home and then write down questions or comments to discuss in class

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i was responding to vision in another sense.  in other words the teachers do not have a vision for how at can be used.  now the true answer:  i agree with faith--audio segments for students with visual impairments.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>set up a mentor system---have a peer read text to student.

Amber>>So Hope--larger font--perhaps even with tests etc... or documents (how many times has a teacher try to use 9-10 font to reduce the xerox coping down?

Hope>>mentoring system and audio text would be helpful too

Faith>>or... glasses??

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>read aloud books!  a student audio records text, for student to "read" books.

Amber>>I have actually been a couple schools (worked) where teachers were asked to tape their lectures on particular days...

Hope>>I have done that too to create a one-page document, but when they know a student needs larger text...I think they should accommodate the student

Faith>>that's a feature we are developing with the international children digital's library..

Faith>>along with audio translations in different languages..

Amber>>other times students took notes and the teacher made copies to share with the other student...

Hope>>plus having the documents on the computer would not take a lot to change have two or three versions of the same thing

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>interesting.  international children's library is meeting all kinds of standards..isn't it?

Hope>>in different languages would help reinforce the material

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>another suggestion:  put content on the web, so parents have round the clock access to materials to provide more support at home.

Hope>>I like tricia's suggestion

Amber>>all of us know to ask then to move to the front of the class--what surprises me is that although teachers do that they still use overheads (yes even today) and PP and have such small font that most of the class can not see

Hope>>I think teachers fall back on what is comfortable or what is available...some see using a computer as a burden

Amber>>Patricia--yes and then you have the ability to increase the size etc...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i have a student with a disability in my class right now.  she seems to be functioning just fine.  she has 3 fingers on either hand.  i plan to have a conference with her.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>there's a lot of quick computer work in my classes, and i hope i'm going at a pace that is appropriate for her.

Faith>>what do you teach?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>instructional technology courses-

Faith>>college - level?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes. towson university.

Faith>>are there AT standards for universities?

Faith>>does umd have a plan?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>council for exceptional children standards is what i use.

Amber>>another  reading focused on extending knowledge to students (the Hey! can I try that) do you think this is a good idea? or will or would it lead to more problems that it is worth?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i'll check into umd plan.  i'm interested. now to the hey i can try that reading.

Hope>>I liked how it points out the problems and offers solutions

Hope>>and self analysis...I started filling it out and it helped me determine goals to meet

Amber>>AT standards for everyone--at least any one that receives federal to answer your question yes

Amber>>we met last year in the ITAC council meeting and came up with some ideas as to how to best "get the word out"--many are on the website...

Faith>>the surveys seemed helpful.. but i think a lot of students would then qualify for AT based ontheir answers..

Amber>>in addition, the websites are slowly updating their sites (including ETO) to make them meet the regulations

Faith>>not that i think that's a bad thing..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i like that the 'hey i can try that' offers scenarios.  i think presenting a possible situation makes it easy for people to "relate to."

Amber>>Faith--yes that is what I ws thinking--although it would help some might take advantage and use as an excuse

Hope>>Faith - may be it would put a new view point for the student's that do not need AT, but have more of a compassion for those who do...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>for example, pat's new goal on page 18.

Amber>>Patricia-yes--I agree

Faith>>right - it brings the topic into the classroom..


Faith>>addresses issues that many of the students could be facing..

Hope>>I agree

Hope>>because some students may not even know they need assistance

Amber>>all of use agree (I think) that AT can be used for a variety of settings and that we all as general educators are not aware of some of the "basics"


Faith>>and their teachers might not know either

Amber>>not to mention the more "high tech" AT devices...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>nice summary Amber.

Faith>>some kids might even have viewed AT devices as "cheating"

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>..or teachers..or principals.


Faith>>is this a big contraversy?

Hope>>I can see that view point

Amber>>but how would you advise the administration or school sytem or COE department to let ALL educators know about this?

Faith>>when i was student teaching i remember controversies over spell check..

Faith>>(in the english language arts classroom)

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>well, i know there were incidences of cheating using personal digital assistants.  pda can certainly fit under this broad spectrum of AT devices that we have mentioned this evening.

Amber>>Faith--perhaps a while back--but right now with the NCLB mandate--anything that can help ANY student improve the stats for a school is GREAT to everyone right now

Faith>>this is a good thing..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>in response to your question: how can we let coe know about AT for general classroom.  Publish!

Amber>>but something that needs to be included in the general educators knowledge base--cyberethical issues related to AT

Amber>>sounds like a good journal article

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>absolutely.  and even just ethical issues.  i was reading the book, 'assistive technology' and it discussed the special studnets desire to want to use attractive devices.

Hope>>classes for the educators...follow-up sessions... 

Hope>>publishing would be good, but how can you be assured the teachers will read it???

Amber>>Ok think about the "final question" that being--how do we let teachers know about the use of AT--without adding another additional course or requirement

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>publish, and present articles at conferences.


Faith>>lead by example

Amber>>in addition I would like to have someone volunteer to lead the next chat discussion (week after next)..any volu

Hope>>a note in their mail boxes that they have to sign an acknowledgement form that they read and understood it.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>my last response was to hope. inform teachers:  bring food after school and have  an informal demonstration and follow up wiht online chats.

Amber>>Hope--I was saying that it sounds like aninteresting research project for a graduate student to look into and publish

Faith>>good idea

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>let me take a look at topics for next week.


Amber>>Ok and then someone can take the lead on the chat--we will decide via email


Amber>>I hope everyone enjoyed the readings and that it opened some new ways of thinking...

Hope>>yes it did...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>sounds good.  i'd like to see topics for the upcoming weeks before committing.  some time to reflect would be great.  thanks.  hope i have one question for you before we quit.

Faith>>look forward to the discusion posts

Hope>>I am ready...

Amber>>so as we go deeper at times into some more specific AT devices we can always think back..."could this also help...."

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i've already started my scavenger hunt.  its almost ready for posting.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>got it amber.  i'll focus on specific AT devices.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>if it's a "wrap"  i'd like to ask hope a question on the side..ok with you amber?

Amber>>Patricia--not sure what you mean?

Faith>>night all..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>amber, you said we will talk about more specific at devices that can be used to help in other possible ways..i'll consider that for upcoming chats.

Amber>>as to i will focus on specific AT devices--you do not have to do this it can be general AT devices, tools, software and or strategies

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>ok.

Hope>>good night everyone...I will stay on-line for your question Tricia...

Amber>>probably a week or two for that

Amber>>good night

*-**** Amber left Room1. Time:Tue Sep  9 21:40:03 2003

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>by faith.  

  *-**** Faith left Room1. Time:Tue Sep  9 21:40:14 2003

  *-**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan left Room1. Time:Tue Sep  9 21:41:16 2003

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Last updated by Tricia Ryan on December 17, 2003.
Copyright Tricia Ryan.  All rights reserved.