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attitudes and AT

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Class Transcript 11/7/03

9/9 :~: 9/26 :~: 10/3 :~: 10/7 :~: 10/31 :~: 11/7

To maintain confidentiality, pseudonyms are used for all participants in the transcripts, with the exception of myself. 

Time: Fri Nov  7 12:57:26 2003

*+**** Amber entered Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 12:57:26 2003

*+**** Hope entered Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 12:58:19 2003

Hope>>Hello Amber

Amber>>hello hope how was your move?

Hope>>eventful...thank you for asking

*+**** Grace entered Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 12:59:21 2003

Amber>>before others come in tell me about what you were thinking about covering in the dicsussion today

Grace>>hi everybody

Amber>>hello Grace

Hope>>hello Grace

Hope>>I was thinking about covering the software & web-base accessibility

Amber>>Hope is our facilitator today.  Trica should be coming Faith is still in NZ

*+**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan entered Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 13:00:32 2003


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hello all.

Grace>>hi tricia

Amber>>hello Trica we are all here now since faith is still overseas--

Hope>>hello everyone

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>happy friday!


Hope>>Shall we start...everyone ready?


Amber>>yes--please begin

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>good luck, hope:) 

Hope>>I would like to start off with the software & beb-based accessibility issue

Hope>>web-based...I mean

Amber>>sounds good

Hope>>what do you think about everyone adhearing to the list of things to consider for the classroom?  Do they seem reasonable?

Grace>>they all seemed very reasonable to me

Hope>>do you see more use for them than just for people with disabilities?

Hope>>for example, screen magnification...I think this could be used for group activities

Grace>>i am going to the discussion board to see all the messages

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>great example of how AT can be used for whole group--screen magnification 

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>are you referring to a specific reading?  i'll open it, if you wish.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i'll open the ppt.

Hope>>Yes, it was the power point doc on software & web-based accessibility

Amber>>now a question is what if a classroom only had one computer what are some things we could do then? in the general classroom (as you were referring to)

Grace>>Oh, I thought you were talking about the computer accessibility messages we posted, sorry

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>in conducting research for this course, i discovered the multiple uses for voice recognition software, such as dragon naturally speaking.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>for example....

Amber>>font sizes-sticky keys and toggle keys--magnification, color s and background color and text/speech options

Hope>>I think groups of teams would work  so the groups could view the information have a little while to work on the assignment and then the next team goes.

Grace>>students can use the computer in turns, yes, hope I was gonna say the same thing

Grace>>that is what teachers do

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Dragon Naturally Speaking® is voice recognition software which enables disabled PC users to optimize productivity with their, wordprocessing, web browsing.

Grace>>when I was looking for a voice recog software D naturally speaking came up all the time, it is quite popular

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>the voice recognition software can also be used by qualitative researchers for speaking field notes directly into a word-processed file.  i'm thinking about the possibilities of the software for probably higher education.

Grace>>Dragon naturally Speaking, i mean

Hope>>how would higher education use it?

Grace>>however, remember that writeen and spoekn language are different, imagine yourself using voice recognition for wtiting your dissertation

Amber>>Re: magnification--Hope mentioned group team work---do you think students who did not need larger font size would want to work with a student who needed the magnification screen on the computer?  what could you do about this?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>doctoral student can use the software for research.  the voice recognition software can be used for demonstration purposes in instructional technology and special education courses.  i'll now take a look at the magnification questions.

Hope>>what about making the groups with the requirement of who would not mind the large font.

Grace>>I am not sure. We can ask for volunteers.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, i believe students would be willing to work with others who may need a screen magnifier.  i know i was always the type of student who was willing to help disabled students.

Hope>>As an option, I was thinking also the computer could be at the front of the classroom and the whole class (if possible) could see the monitor...then break up into groups to work on the assignment

Amber>>hope I like that idea

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>there is a similar microscope viewing screen for science in the elementary school. 

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>the screen magnifier may not be as effective as a computer projector, but can be used for groups of maybe two or three.  hope, do you agree?

Amber>>I quess it all depends on what the computer is being used for--magnification could also apply in the general classroom to teachers making sure they use appropriate color and font sizes and try to to squeeze 100's of things on the overhead transparency

Grace>>Tricia, when you said science. Did you get a chance to see the DO-IT interwievs with students with disabilities? It is a must!

Hope>>I think overall groups of two to three work best...that way everyone can participate

Amber>>By the way I used to do this--type up notes and then run off transparencies but they were still all 12 or 14 font size and a full page full

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>looking for it now, Grace, thanks.  davina, why did you blow up the transparencies.  for what type of student were you making the modification?

Hope>>I think large font also helps pace the lecture...instead of having so much information at once...they focus on one or two sentences at a time

Hope>>the colors would also help keep the student's attention...

Amber>>Now that I know better it makes me feel bad for the students (although they all still liked having the notes written) but no one really told us these "tricks" that we should know

Grace>>However, I am not sure if visually impaired people can see the transparencies because of the light.

Grace>>One of the students in DO-IT was complaining about that.

Hope>>also the copier can enlarge the documents...afterwards...though

Amber>>Tricia not sure what you mean they were only used on an overhead so that projects larger anyway --I taught chemistry ALL levels

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i see.

Amber>>Grace good point but how many high school teachers us it?  almost standard now a days--

Hope>>I think the mentality of putting all the information on one page was to reduce the number of pages to hand out as well as save some trees

Grace>>I know,to tell the truth, I hate transparencies.

Grace>>Teachers need to learn PowerPoint.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>in speaking with our at prof. at tu, she recommended a sheet that covers over a document or transparency, to change the lighting and color effects for the reader.  i forget the name.  anybody know.  the sheet actually looks like a transparency. 

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>some ppts are even converted to transparencies. 

Hope>>Power point can still be viewed as transparancies too...especially if they do not use color or pics or graphics

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>it depends on the tech. available in the classroom. sometimes an overhead is all there is.   manipulatives on an overhead are easy to see, and touch!

Hope>>so should lighting be a factor that a teacher should automatically consider?  have the student with the disability inform the teacher at the beginning of the semester?

Grace>>However, teachers think that they use technology when they use the overhead(and brag about it) but I don't know I just don't like it.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>absolutely lighting is a factor.  i learned that in my teacher education program.

Grace>>I think lighting is an important factor

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>there are also glare-resistant screen covers for computer monitors.

Hope>>Grace, I agree, but at least they are not just straight lecture...

Grace>>I know, Hope.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Grace, try manipulatives, 3 dimensional objects on an overhead.  you may like it better.

Amber>>Lighting I agree is a factor--what's bad is when teachers have to turn out lights in a classrom so that they can keep the heat down during the summer esp if the sun comes in through windows--another thing to think about

Hope>>do you think teachers know these things to, large font...some professors have been around for so long that they are set in their ways...

Grace>>No, I just think that transparencies are not visually appealing to learners but if that is the only tech you have, what can you do.

Amber>>I agree about the PP's many teachers use the PP via an LCD projector and still do the same strategies of using 100 words on a slide

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>then it's up to other teachers  and parents to empower the students to look out for themselves in the classroom, and make the requests.   even old school profs have the disability statement in their syllabi.

Grace>>when I attended one of the Office of Info Technology's workshops, they said that the font must be at least 24pt so that it is readable.

Amber>>Hope--teachers are probably more able to know better strategies than many of the faculty--as some of your earlier readings proved--faculty are some of the worst at strategies

Grace>>I agree with you tricia, students need to look out for themselves. Oh you should definitely see the DO-IT videa clip!

Hope>>I see...I guess faculty are not required to attend continue education courses as do grade school teachers.

Amber>>take a second and look at this website

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i just browsed the reading.  Grace, point me to the do-it clip, please.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>amber, put the url in the dialogue window, please,the window didn't open the first time, thanks.

Grace>>looking for it

Grace>>Here it is.


Grace>>Participants describe the DO-IT Scholars program for high school students with disabilities (Run Time: ~10:40 minutes).

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>thanks much to both of you!

Grace>>Yes, OIT people alos mentioned about the 6x6 rule; 6 lines of text, 6 wors per line

Grace>>6 words per line on a PowerPoint

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i give a similar presentation of 'principles of screen design' in some of my courses.

Hope>>I think they are good things to know, especially for all individuals who present material to an audience

Amber>>these are standard business strategies but I think the education arena can learn from the business world (and vs. versa)

Grace>>i agree

Hope>>Okay, so what about other tools that can be used for the classroom to help facilitate learning?

Amber>>wow--that's a wide area where do you want us to start?

Grace>>low tech, high tech?

Hope>>okay, how about how Dr. Coombs uses his computer and speech synthesizer and having the students submit their term papers through electronic mail?

Grace>>I really liked his project. I don't want to go off the topic but I couldn't help myself from reading about emmett  till. more to come..

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i think dr. coombs is using state of the art technology to maximize teacher productivity and student learning.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>improve student learning, that is.

Grace>>When class discussion occured on a discussion board, hearing impaired students did not require any special assistance to participate.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes!  Grace, i think about that all the time!!

Hope>>I like the options of having audio and video forms of communication.  I watched the video clips, but had to read the text because the computer here at work does not have a speaker...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>not just hearing impaired, but other types of disabilities and insecurities!  why aren't more profs using discussion boards?  i've heard the arguments, it's like 'posting' not interacting.  well discussion boards take proper facilitation.  which, by the way, hope, you're doing great!

Hope>>I also like the fact that with becomes more personable...and the students can feel apart of the conversation rather than have the teacher be the only one talking.

Grace>>ALSO, We use WebCT as a course management tool for the class Dr. O and I are teaching.  We use discussion board extensively and we noticed that students that are too shy to talk in the classroom are more enthusiastic about posting on the discussion board than some other talkative students. Discussion board is a safer environment for them.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i agree hope, multimedia is helpful.

Hope>>thank tricia!

Amber>>Oh good I was hoping this would come up--although the focus is AT I was hoping you would notice the modeling of a variety of formats that not only can be applied to AT  but also helps ALL students by addressing the multiple learning models

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Grace, we're saying similiar things, and i completely agree with you.

Grace>>give me a second, i have more on that, i need to find my seminar paper, will be back.

Hope>>I think students need to explore other ways of learning - or at least recognize that there are other ways of learning.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>davina, i'd like to try to reserve a few minutes of the hour to discuss the schedule, if possible.

Amber>>one question is the difference between online real time discussion and asynchronous discussion thread posting? 

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>what about the two? 


Hope>>I would think that with online real time you can react and answer questions quickly

Amber>>Hope let s tru to end 5 minutes befrore hand so Trica can lead us in a discussion of the schedule

Hope>>then with would be best if the students had the question before hand and then formalize their response...then continue the discussion

Grace>>I am back


Amber>>What I have noticed (related to the ) syn/async topic is that there are some differences between the chat real time and discussion threads

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hope.interesting responses.

Grace>>both od the communication forms have advantages and disadvantages for different learners

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>well, the two types serve different purposes.

Hope>>I agree with tricia.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>asynchronous permits more time for reflection on specific content, like case studies for example.

Hope>>on what message or discussion you want...may be async would be better for more technical answers

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>synchronous, allows for interaction, support, clarification of concepts.

Hope>>then online...for options



Hope>>I agree tricia

Hope>>do you know if students learn better one way or the other?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i think a combination of many teaching strategies better enables all students to perform to the best of their ability.

Grace>>I think synch. communication is good practice for students who are learning Egnlish

Grace>>it is like talking, immediate response is necessary.

Hope>>good point.  But what if the person does not speak or write English very well...

Amber>>In terms of instructional design yes--the threads work better for specific topics and or mini assignments once in a while you can get rich "threads" but they usually occur when you are in a full distance ed course and do not have the opportunity to "chat" or if the thread is a speific topic group work bla...bla...bla... but the personalities of folks usually still plays out in the chats

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Grace, you are continuously bringing a unique perspective to the discussion.  i need to start thinking more about esol students, and their needs.  your contributions push me there.  thanks.

Grace>>However, with asnch. forms of communication, students can use metacognitive strategies, get help from others, plan, revise, etc.

Amber>>those that like to talk in F2F will do so online real time and those who do not will be limited in how much they response or how they respond

Hope>>I liked that fact that Dr. Coombs indicated one of his student just became blind and that she did not know sign language very well yet...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>davina, to respond to your statement....i've told numerous people that we have a great group of people working on this course. 

Grace>>thanks for your comments, tricia.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>this is a great learning experience for me.

Hope>>but how can you be sure they are doing well in the course if they do not respond/participate?

Amber>>I am glad to hear that and hope you will share with other general teachers (and parents) :-)

Grace>>here is a study I find fascinating. I don't mean to digress but look at this McGuire, Kiesler, & Siegel (1987) found that in discussions held electronically, women made the first proposal (of a solution to a problem) as often as men; in face-to-face discussions men made the first proposal five times more often.

Hope>>Tricia, I am touched that you think highly of us...thank you.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i think there are management techniques to get students to respond.

Hope>>I find that true in the answer more than females...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>for example, a friendly email reminder usually does the trick, and shows personal concern for the individual.

Amber>>Hope thats why you usuallu set up a rubric so they can monitor themselves but also why you spread things out (or at least I do) and even in the K-12 setting did--make different activities weigh equal amounts

Hope>>I see...thanks

Amber>>i.e. don't make quizzes and tests + 80% when you know a large number of students do not work or learn by that method

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>good point, davina.  rubrics for self regulated (distance) learners can be effective.

Amber>>have other ways to assess

Hope>> put a lot of the responsibility on the student...

Grace>>yes, i agree

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>shared responsibility.

Amber>>and contiune to "poke" and remind them :-)

Grace>>also provide options for students to show their skills

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>alright..i'm blowing the time that davina brought up reminders!  let's talk about schedule. 

Grace>>students with different skills that come from different backgrounds

Amber>>I am also  big on second trys--do a paper get corrections try again the only way to really learn

Hope>>Yes, I can say that these two courses I have had with Amber have been very educational..and rewarding

Hope>>I like your philosophy...

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i plan to write a letter to the dean about this class.  davina, i'll send you a copy.  he needs to know about the good work you do.

Grace>>I would put my signature under it, can I?

Hope>> are on about the schedule...please proceed

Hope>>I would sign my name to it too...

Grace>>we should write a letter together

Hope>>I am game...

Amber>>Thanks all

Amber>>yes talk about schedule

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>ok.  i received an email about the fact ..wait..we should write three different letters and bombard him! back to schedule..

Amber>>tricia the Dean is a lady!!

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>an email about the fact that we haven't posted to week 9.  i thought i was on top of my game, and that i was completing week 8 on time.  (i'm a loser for thinking the dean was a man!)

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>so, how do we make it up?  do we do double duty for a week? or since we're all on the same page, do we proceed as if next week were week 9?

Grace>>tricia, i also was thinking that my responses were on time.

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>in my defense...i was thinking about the new chair of edci.

Amber>>I tried to list the dates in both the discussion threads (i.e. due by) and the course outline.  last week I modified the week 8 since we had a glitch so that you only had to do...

Amber>>1 and the rest were optional so that we could morve on to week 9 we are now into our tenth week

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>so, do 1 in week 9 and move immediately into week 10. is that the consensus?

Amber>>I think the overlap happens because we are on the schedule for Tuesdays but we sometimes meet in chats on fridays and this throws us behind---thus the dates being added

Amber>>no biggy

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>please respond to my question.  do 1 assignment in week 9 and continue as next week is week 10.  correct?

Amber>>I'm catching u on messages please wait

Amber>>well first we will do the week 9 discussion threads

Amber>>all agree and that goes along with the readings we discussed ttoday 


Grace>>okay, that means that we are not skipping anything, right?

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>iep description due nov.11.  final iep due nov. 25, correct?

Hope>>could the next discussion be on IEP...since that is the topic of our next paper?

Grace>>yes, that would be good, actually.

Amber>>sorry looking at schedule

Amber>>then I can move the Nov 11th item back and say by Nov 14th

Hope>>okay with me


Amber>>the readings and items that deal with the IEP's are up on the website (that's the last things posted right now (I usually try to color code the sections so you know where we are 0--

Amber>>guess I need another startety

Grace>>no color coding works

Hope>>I think I down loaded most of the readings...

Amber>>then I will be putting the IEP activity (a scenerio) up later tonight

Amber>>and the IEP due on the 11th or qwhenever is for you 4 to email or F2f or hoever you want

Amber>>you will brainstorm about how to write up an IEP from the general classroom prespective not special ed

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>all sounds good.  reminders are also welcomed email messages:)

Amber>>the IREP exercise will be a group effort that is due on the 25th and is based on the MTTS standards

Hope>>so we are to treat all the students as needing an IEP?


Amber>>Hope the student will have an IEP because he does or she does have a disability but as a classroom teacher (general) you would not be the one writing the IEP that would be the special ed department and we do not want to go there

Amber>>what I would hope is that as a general classroom teacher you could think of strategies that woulfd help this student 

Amber>>let me find the link

Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>two children are needing me.  i need to say goodbye for now.  thanks for an interesting discussion.  i'll read the rest in the transcript.

Hope>>bye tricia 

Amber>>got it after take some time to look over this



Amber>>this is what is required of pre service tweachers to meet MTTS standard 6 on AT


*-**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan left Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 14:15:52 2003

Amber>>I really think it is too much so your will be more of I give you all the speifics which would yusually come from your special ed person and you fill out the SETT framework and add your comments

Amber>>this is not a big event d not panic


Amber>>however, it IS WHAT general classroom teachers are expected to know


Grace>>i am glad to hear that.


Amber>>then on Nov 21st Dave riose will be meeting us online in the chat room




Amber>>he will be sending us a scenerio of a student that we will look over and we will do a "mock" IEP committee meeting that day online


Amber>>should be fun




Hope>>sounds like fun...


Amber>>and the only other big thing is the AT tour Grace could you come if we scheduled it for Tuesday the 18th at 7PM?




Amber>>it would mean rescheduleing the other course which I could talk to your instructor if needed


Grace>>Thanks, Amber but I don't think that will be necessary.


Amber>>YES11 I am excited ok just realized the time and also have to kids to catch all are doing so great with such different perspectives.  Hope please keey bringup the real life situations with your son this really adds to the input and Grace PLEASE more on the ESOL this so interested me!!


Grace>>thanks, I will!


Amber>>bye for now!


*-**** Amber left Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 14:21:15 2003




Hope>>Okay...thanks, bye...


*-**** Grace left Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 14:21:27 2003


*-**** Hope left Room1. Time:Fri Nov  7 14:21:29 2003



Session in EDUC477_Room1 ended (all participants have left).

Time: Fri Nov  7 14:21:29 2003


Last updated by Tricia Ryan on December 17, 2003.
Copyright Tricia Ryan.  All rights reserved.