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attitudes and AT

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no child left behind

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universal design

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To maintain confidentiality, pseudonyms are used for all participants in the transcripts, with the exception of myself. 

Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan entered Room1. Time:Fri Sep 26 12:57:18 2003

Amber>>Hi Patricia


Hope>>hello tricia


Amber>>Patricia--while we are waiting for Grace can you one toss out the Fridays you think you could not get on at 1:00 and 2


Amber>>Tricia --how many classes do you teach there that they keep you ties up so long? how do you do your own studies?


*+**** Grace entered Room1. Time:Fri Sep 26 13:00:22 2003


Amber>>hi Grace


Hope>>hi Grace


Grace>>hi, am i late


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>amber, it looks like i am not available on the 2nd and 3rd friday of each month.  i'll answer your next question.


Amber>>just started good timing




Amber>>Tricia was going to lead the discussion I will turn it over to her so we can get started


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i teach three courses.  one is a graduate course off campus. the two undergraduate classes are during the middle of the afternoon.  my schedule accomodates time for my academic studies and family life.  i just need to watch my calendar carefully.


Amber>>got it--good I thought they were stretching you--understand now


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>ok, we'll begin to discuss COMAR and NCLB, but before we begin, does anyone want to share anything for the good of the order?  perhaps a general comment about the online discussion, or organization of the resources to prepare us for the discussion/ chat?


Hope>>After reading everyone's replies...I agree with them and find it interesting as another view point.


Grace>>did you get a chance to read my messages


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, hope, it seems we were all able to identify something different, and learn from each other. yes, Grace, i read your responses just before 1:00 today.


Grace>>i am not very enthusiastic about NCLB and i guess i was too critical


Amber>>I have been excited about the depth of the comments in the discussion--which reflect that you have read and yet the flavor of personal viewpoints has really shown itself


Hope>>I don't think you were too need to be any ways when you read policies/regs/laws


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>let's pick up yes with your perspective and then we'll switch modes in a little while.  you said nclb is not in touch with reality, can you elaborate?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Grace's perspective.  please share.


Grace>>it requires so many things that is not possible


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>may not be possible for some, may be a more appropriate way to state it.


Hope>>do you think that is why the system seems slow and not effective?


Hope>>which do you think is not possible?


Amber>>Hope what do you mean by the system?


Grace>>yesterday i heard that two teachers lost their jobs bec they didn't have therequired certifications, praxis, etc


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>first, amber, i think you did an excellent job organizing the structure of the online module for the COMAR regulations and NCLB.  I was accessing information that is so necessary for me to understand, and I'm glad I've been required to read it, think deeply about it, and respond in writing for futher reflection.


Grace>>NCLB requires that there will be qualified teachers in every classrooom but firing teachers when there is a teacher shortage ???


Amber>>certifications can be a cut and dry requirement


Hope>>the adminsitrators who need to manage and meet the goals


Amber>>Grace--is it better to have unqualified teachers then noone--is that what you are saying?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i don't believe certification as cut and dry is such a bad thing.  there was a significant clause in NCLB about long term substitutes.  i believe a classroom teacher should be qualified to teach in the subject area he/ she is assigned. 


Grace>>I think NCLB requirements should take place in phases


Hope>>Grace, but then you would get other teachers and parents questioning why they are teaching when they are not qualified


Grace  Yilmazel-Sahin>>I do believe that teachers must be qualified to teach but as I said, we need to help them get qualified


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hope, how do you recommend adminstrators manage and achieve goals? do they use NCLB as a framework?


Hope  Lisa--Hom>>I support that


Hope>>From a mother's view point...yes, I would think that NCLB would be a good starting guideline


Grace>>also, the focus on standardized testing, what do you think about that?


*-**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan left Room1. Time:Fri Sep 26 13:12:00 2003


Amber>>and there have been incentives to do this although I am not sure if 1) certification equates to good teaching (although some research suggests it does and I hope so) and 2) some of the "lets get certified in a summer programs are they really dmeeting the requirements???


Grace>>is standardized testing fair to all the students?


*+**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan entered Room1. Time:Fri Sep 26 13:12:21 2003


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>my connection was lost, but i've reconnected.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i may have missed some content. my last comment was to hopee....


Hope>>I don't like tests altogether, but it is the "practice" to segregate who is learning and who is not


Amber>>Grace asked about testing--are they really fair


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hope, how do you recommend administrators manage and achieve goals.  should they use nclb as a framework? have tests ever been fair? 


Grace>>i agree but standardized tests should not be the only way to assess student performance


Hope>>Tricia, yes use NCLB as a guideline or a starting point.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Grace, i agree with you.  standardized tests are one measure.


Amber>>testing or assessment by the new mechanism --collects the data but I am not a for test person--productys and process are more equality I believe


Hope>>I think the administrators need the knowledge and education to be good administrators


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>amber, so true.


Grace>>standardized tests are typically more predictive of future sucess in postsecondary education but


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>even so, standardized tests are not the only indicator of future success in post secondary ed. thank goodness edci looks at other qualities of a doctoral student!


Grace>>it is not fair, moreover not valid to test students only through stnd. tests


Amber>>Grace???? really???? Stadford through out using these scores due to the no corrolation


Amber>>Stanford I meant :-)


Grace>>yes, norm-referenced tests are good indicators of future sucess


Grace>>i learned that in my assessment class


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i knew you meant stanford. Grace, you seem to have strong feelings about nclb,whereas, i believe it can be used as a framework to try to improve the quality of education for all.  it seems to me there is room for flexibility.


Amber>>Sorry I am using someone else's "strange" keyboard--I will try to slow down so not so many spelling mishaps


Grace>>Oh, yes, I agree as long as it is applied through phases


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>strange keyboard, and frameworks can lead us into a discussion on MD Comar regulations...are you guys ready?


Grace>>there is too much responsibility on teachers' shoulders and..


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>we'll continue with nclb..i see we can still have conversation about it.






Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>too much responsibilites on teachers?  explain please


Amber>>I am change to COMAR and then connect back to NCLB related to AT later


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>ok..sounds like a good plan..i have my first question ready.








Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>What does it mean and look like for technology-based instructional products to offer ?equivalent access? ?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>those are supposed to be quotes.  i pasted from word.


Hope>>case by case basis...I think it really helps to try to get the students equivalent


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>give an example of a case where a technology based instructional product offers "equivalent access"


Hope>>a touch tone monitor for someone who have trouble typing


Grace>>voice recognition


Amber>>Powerpoint vs.  an another product that does the same thing but a cheaper cost or vs versa (once compliant)


Amber>>another example ...


Grace>>I read a few things about how shools comply with COMAR


Grace>> ?To help schools comply with the new COMAR regulations, a two-phase training program called Technology Inclusion for All is being  implemented by PG County schools. There are two phases:


Grace>>I am quoting


Grace>>Phase I: Three certified teachers will be trained from each school about the new guidelines and procedures, especially as they apply to instructional use of software and software purchasing.


Grace>>Phase II: The trained cohort members will conduct a two-hour inservice for the full staff in their respective schools.




Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>seems to be a reasonable professional development plan. thanks for the link..i'd like to read more about the specific plan.


Hope>>how recepitive are the teachers to the training??? what are some typical attitudes?


Grace>>the powerpoint presentaion by MSDE talks about an action plan like this


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i think hope it's brand new..time will tell how receptive the teachers are.  sounds like a good topic for dissertation!


Grace>>actually it is not very new. training was conducted on selected dates from June through October, 2002


Amber>>I am still trying to think of the product that Xybernaut was trying to duplicate--they are wearable computers


Amber>>They were trying to have it like boardmaker and something else


Grace>>how do you wear it


Amber>>but the cost was far more expensive than other products


Grace>>how heavy is it


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i also mentioned in my comar post on the asynchronous discussion board, the need to develop a capacity for teacher skills and understanding and equipment for the infusion of AT in traditional classroom settings.


Amber>>so they could never break into the market because schools could not justifiy the cost


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>june-october 2002 is 1 year new, in my humble opinion.


Grace>>no i maent, teachers got training and will be training other teachers


Hope>>Do the teachers get hands-on training...actually using the technology?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>amber, i'm interested in your thought.  what exactly do the wearable computers provide for special needs students.


Amber>>Tricia what is June-october


Grace>>no details on that


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, said that the phasing in is not so new--it began june-october of 2002.


Grace>>What i am saying is , schools are really doing something to comply with COMAR. They developed an action plan and they are applying it.


Amber>>Grace if I am correct the training was on the PP presentation (or at least one on their MSDE site) that was geared into having


Grace>>yes, the PP presentation talks about an action plan


Amber>>teachers become aware of the COMAR and also on how some software and web sources need to be evaluated before use...etc...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>so if they were used under the COMAR regulations, how could one evaluate the effectiveness of these products with respect to student achievement?


Grace>>yes, I believe increasing awareness is very important


Grace>>Also, did you know that ?Prince George's County Public Schools has a team of assistive technology consultants who can assist school-based special education teams, families, and students in the selection, acquisition and/or use of assistive technology and/or augmentative communication strategies and techniques?? I think this is wonderful.


Amber>>the connection to student achievnment is yet to be seen by many....


Amber>>I think everyone is trying to meet the guidelines that can be met easily FIRST...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>right.  it is such an interesting concept, one i would like to pursue.


Amber>>then they will move onto the harder parts




Amber>>Grace,  yes and hopefully before a new administration comes on board (nationally) and changes the framework


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Grace, you have offered some concrete examples from prince georges county.   i'm pleased to see that they are moving in this direction.  it seems you summarized their action plan for us.


Grace>>i don't know what would happen to all these regulations if a new admin comes


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>amber, i know you taught k-12 (chemistry).  i taught elementary science.  Grace and hope what are your teaching experiences?  this is leading to another question.


Grace>>yes, i awas very pleased to read about their action plan


Amber>>the wearable computer is small can be worn on your belt and has an eyepiece or can sit on a wheelchair etc.. has internet access and touchscreen capabilities etc...


Hope>>I have only been a teaching assistant (computer science) and tutored computer science and English


Grace>>i taught adults at the foreign service. before coming to this coutry, i taught high school kids


Amber>>Grace what subject?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>if you were asked to develop an action plan to support your school system in implementing the accessibility regulation. amber, thanks for ideas on wearable computers.  i needed that.


Grace>>turkish and english, language education and now learning styles and strategies and technology at umd.


Amber>>regarding COMAR...


Amber>>when the regs first came out the reason why tech specialists in the county


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>finishing my prompt..if you were asked to develop an action plan..what would you include as the important outcomes, indicators, stakeholders, equipment?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>professional development?  in simple terms, please.


Amber>>became so concrned is that software that did not meet these guidelines would no longer be able to be purchased with federal money


Amber>>Tricia an action plan for??? tech plans for AT? COMAR? NCLB? MTTS?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>> response to your if i were on the school improvement team, and asked to make recommendations to  purchase software, i would create a technology tools evaluation committee.


Grace>>i think, educating teachers about Comar to educate peers is an excellent step


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>action plan to integrate comar regulations into the school improvement plan.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hope..are you ok? 


Hope>>first they need to know who the students are...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>good.


Hope>>Yes, I am just greeting visitors and trying to think of what to write


Hope>>and what the students need


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>right..first step..identify the specific needs, and educat teachers.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>perhaps develop a mentoring system--special educators team with classroom teachers. and INFORM parents.


Hope>>I think the teachers need to be cross trained and know how to adapt


Amber>>Regarding the evaluation committee-review--LSS had to do this as a county --if you go to any LSS website you will now find approved software lists or the software the county supports and how it meets the requirements if it doesn't in some area they usually give alternativesrecommendations


Grace>>remeber the including al students in  any activity article, in reference to including and teaching students with disabilities, less engaged teachers were described by respondents as those "who don't know, who don't want to or don't know how to"


Hope>>yes keep the parents involved!!!


Grace>>so educating teachers is important. I guess i am behind the discussion


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>LSS is what?  Grace, there will always be teachers who resist change.  the leaders in the school can provide incentives for those teachers, as indicated in NCLB!!!


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>as you can tell, i'm an advocate for merit pay.


Hope>>I would also hope that the parents would have talked to the administrators before school started and started the process so that things can be in place when school does start.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>that would be ideal, but not always the case.  i believe schools do the best they can with what they have. i'm an optimist about education.


Amber>>LSS = Local School SYstem


Hope>>Tricia, I thought that was a good incentive for teachers


Hope>>then if they know at a later date...then cross training and adapting to the situation would be helpful


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>thanks amber. i have another lengthy prompt. coming soon.


Amber>>I think making principals and VP's and team leaders/resource teachers aware FIRST of COMAR could start a process of why this is even important to me?


Amber>>in other words most teachers want to know--how will this effect me?  why do I need to sit here and listen to this?


Hope>>Good point


Amber>>if you can connect the reason for th


Amber>>the teachers having to know it you can build a stronger PD base of ACTIVE participation


Grace>>i agree


Amber>>the 3 teachers in a school that then train the trainer model have recently been receiving some bad research reviews in that it doesn't implement


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>under comar regulations a technology based product to provdie students with disabilities meets specific criteria (such as tech is not available) school personal need to document this and look for alternative methods.  how could an educator provide proper documentation.  what kinds of observations should be made?   do we really have time for trial and error with these kids?


Amber>>many of the teachers who are trained us it as a stepping stone and exit out to another school, position, district office


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>how should we organize for accessibility in the classroom?


Amber>>additiobnally in many cases (most high school level) teachers DO NOT WANT TO BE TAUGHT by their co-workers


Grace>>i don't understand that. what is wrong with that?


Hope>>no I don't think you can use the trial by error ...their learning ability is already at a would be unfair not to know what to do to help them


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>so back to your point hope..have the capacities in place by the start of school.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>know the kids before they enter. know their needs.


Grace>>tricia, there isn't time for trial and error but as teachers learn more about what is working and what not, there will be less problems. don't you think?


Hope>>but then who would the teachers like to learn from...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>true..research is used to inform practice.


Amber>>I think a lot of the trial and test is associated with the fact that many strategies work with one child and not with another.  By testing (one interpretation) is that you contiune you try different things until one product or strat works


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>this conversation just makes me want to go into the classrooms to see how they are designed for inclusion, and what's working..what's not. 


Hope>>yes tricia...or at least have a minimum amount of things/system in place so that they would not be TOTALLY unprepared when they walk  into the door


Grace>>learning styles also have an important effect


Grace>>on how we learn and what our preferences are


Hope>>yes Grace, I agree...people learn by different ways


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>What are some specific strategies for overcoming barriers to using AT? 


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>I think communication is the key.


Grace>>for teachesr??? students??


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>teachers.


Amber>>While I think it is a little much asking a general --lets say chemistry teacher--to have to know all the special education strategies, applications and AT devices and when and how to use them...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>and dedication to ones' profession.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>You are getting discipline specific, so I will too.


Amber>>I do think it is important to make MORE teachers aware of the products, applications , devices and how things have helped students gain


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>How can AT help learning in various subject areas? Grace, you had some ideas for ESOL, I believe.


Grace>>teachers can share theoir experiences with other teachers about what works for what kind or students


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>how will teachers share their experiences?  chat over lunch or conference proposals?


Amber>>I think the NCLB and the COMAR regulations have at least opened up the door to mandate PD for this knowledge to be passed along to more than just the special educator


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>oh yea..professional development is most definitely needed for AT in general classroom.


Grace>>teacher circles, once a month


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Shall we begin to bring this conversation to a close? Teacher the idea. thanks Grace.


Hope>>I think the teachers also need to make the other students aware of the situation and get their least to cooperate


Amber>>To make an impact you are going to see a flood of implementation efforts


Grace>>also do not forget the parents


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>again..mentor protege model for students.  thanks hope.


Grace>>parents need to know their children's rights


Hope>>I agree Grace


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>good point.  i'm sure many are not aware.  pd  can build awareness.


Amber>>PD workshops, semiars, conferences, course (ie like this) websites already far to many (you will be visiting many soon) --parent initatives, student initatives and on and on


Hope>>that is the administrator's job


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>thanks for helping me with this discussion all. i'm pleased.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>amber, are you pleased with the content of the discussion?


Amber>>Hope and admin job to pass along to the teachers the PD?


Grace>>I enjoyed it very much. Thanks all. Thanks Tricia!


Amber>>Tricia--Yes and thank you for leading us.  I did want to end by


Hope>>I don't fully understand...could you please explain...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>my pleasure. i look forward to more.


Hope>>do you mean professional development?


Amber>>stating the connection I hope you have discussed and read related to how AT is more than just special education due to these mandates


Amber>>this week will hpefully bring it to light and closure somewhat


Hope>>I think it is the administrator's job to make sure their teachers meet the requirements and get the necessary training


Amber>>related to discussion chats we will meet on Fridays at 1:00 except the 2nd and 3rd


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>sounds like a good plan.  hope..are you still on the administrator issues?:)  just joking..have a good weekend.


Grace>>amber, you are archaving this chat, too, right?


Hope>>have a good weekend.


Amber>>on those weeks we will meet on Tuesdays at 8:30 PM I will post the calendar via email for all to confirm if OK


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hope..really, i re-read your comments, and it's well received.


Hope>>okay...thanks tricia.


Amber>>Yes and will post when I get back to the office (or home)  excellent


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>> there an email feature that is not enabled in webct?


Grace>>I need to read it. oh, i can just copy and paste it to  a word document.


Amber>>i will close by saying the next week activites will have you do an activity with only the knowledge you know so far related to AT and then we will travel down a knoeledge bank and see if our thoughts change


Amber>>good job ladies--good afternoon


*-**** Amber left Room1. Time:Fri Sep 26 14:05:04 2003


Hope>>take care everyone!


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>take care everyone.  i'm off to pick up my kids from school. 


Grace>>have a wonderful weekend!


*-**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan left Room1. Time:Fri Sep 26 14:05:24 2003

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Last updated by Tricia Ryan on December 17, 2003.
Copyright Tricia Ryan.  All rights reserved.