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products & recommendations

attitudes and AT

case studies


no child left behind

paper/ project


scavenger hunt



universal design

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To maintain confidentiality, pseudonyms are used for all participants in the transcripts, with the exception of myself. 

Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan entered Room1. Time:Tue Oct  7 20:32:47 2003


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>hi.  i'm here:)


Amber>>Hello Tricia and Hope


Hope>>Hi again everyone!


Amber>>how far did everyone get in the materials? readings?


Hope>>I have only glanced at the current readings


Faith>>i got through about half..


Faith>>myths, class notes, etc


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i was able to review the content to respond to the discussion prompts today and i printed copies of the myths documents.


Amber>>was anyone able to get to the products PP presentation


Faith>>glanced at it


Hope>>unfortunately not I


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>would it be a good idea to open the ppt now?


Amber>>does everyone have that ability? to view the PP presentation?




*+**** Hope- entered Room1. Time:Tue Oct  7 20:36:11 2003


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>sure, i do. how about a quick direct link, to save some time?




Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Hope, i see you as being logged in twice. 


Hope>>I was linking to the PPT...I think I lost the connection...I am I visible now?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes


Hope>>did I miss anything?


Amber>>No I am trying to send you to the PP


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i'm opening the categories ppt, correct?


Faith>>are we looking at AAC?


Amber>>but it might be easier to send you to the readings and have you take about 10-15 minutes to view the ...


Amber>>first pasrt of the PP Products presentation


Amber>>is everyone up for that?






Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i'd like a few minutes to review materials.  good idea, Amber.  i just want to be sure i'm looking at the right ppt.


Amber>>OK everyone take a peek there are links within video clips etc...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>PP products, AAC--please specify what is meant by these.  thanks.


Amber>>you will not be able to view alot but I want to get feedback as to if this is a good overview products method


Amber>>lets meet back in ~10 minutes


Faith>>are we talking about the augmentative and alternative communications powerpoint?


Amber>>in the readins section click on the Products link which will take you to a powerpoint presentation


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>thanks for typing out the words, Faith.


Faith>>thats what i get when i click on 'products' in the class notes section


Faith>>just want to double check -


Faith>>is that the one, Amber?


Amber>>yes :-)




Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>AAC---I'm with you.


Amber>>sending URL didn't work too long an address


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>it's ok.  i'm in the slideshow.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>great presentation of content, Amber.  now i'm getting back to it.


Amber>>some of the items (demo) you might have to download--the video clip is compressed but should be "viewable"


Hope>>it's a great presentation...especially with the links to learn more about the product


Amber>>Hope you were interested in the Alpha Smart I hope you can find more here


Hope>>yes...I am very interested in the Alpha Smart.  I think this would be a great tool to use out in the field during our evaluations. 


Amber>>tell me about the evalautions?


Amber>>why not a PDA?


Hope>>we respond to emergencies or compliants...or even ergonomic evaluations


Amber>>wouldn't the PDA's be easier to carry?


Hope>>so it would be a great tool to gather the information and store it in our database; saving time to transcribe handwritten notes


Amber>>the Alpha Smarts are pretty bulky


Hope>>come to think of it yes...


Faith>>do they still use alpha smarts in classrooms today?


Hope>>I think I was drawn to it because it hooks up to the computer.  I need to look into PDAs and may be change my paper topic


Faith>>or was it just in the late 90s?


Amber>>I could see how the PDA's might be harder for folks with coordination or hand difficulty


Amber>>alphs are used a lot in elem schools since the key board is so big it helps out


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>jumping into your conversation, sometimes people use what is most comfortable for them. i still prefer my laptop to my pda for taking notes in class.


Amber>>Faith--I know of many schools in PG howard AA DCPS that use them


Hope>>I worry too about memory and power...for data loss


Faith>>instead of pdas or in addition to?


Amber>>still today (Langley Park elem school as late as last week I saw them out and about


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>..and the kids probably love to use them.


Amber>>the alpha Smarts or PDA's


Hope>>Tricia...I thought the same thing...the children would love to type


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>both, but i was responding to alpha smarts.


Amber>>what I am talking about is that the Alphas are still being used today


Hope>>and see the results on the screen


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>right.


Amber>>mainly because of cost--they already have them


Faith>>Amber - do just the kids with documented disabilities use the alphas?


Amber>>they are pretty hardy as well


Faith>>or are they available to all?


Amber>>you can drop etc... and they keep on clicking


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, i was also considering their durability. 


Hope>>do the programs need to be updated to keep up with the computers they hook up to?


Amber>>Faith  these are used for the general population


Faith>>thats great


Amber>>they use in class and then come to the computer lab


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>the computers in the classrooms may come from the same generation as the alpha smarts, i'm sorry to say.


Amber>>"beam over" and print out


Hope>>I forgot...Thanks for the reminder Tricia


Amber>>tricia explain


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Amber, can you please talk briefly about your experience in the classrooms.  are you typically an observer? 


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>with respect to the computers in the classroom.  i was responding to Hope who said the programs may need to be updated. i think she got it.


Amber>>with some of our grants and PD programs yes


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>PD programs in PDS schools?  and specifically AT or ED. Tech, also?


Amber>>other times I follow up on our PD model to find out if the outcomes after taking courses like these are actually producing changes in the instructional practice


Amber>>at LP ele and others that feed into that cluster I work with students in after school or during lunch informal computer or homework computer clubs


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>do you see that the schools are implementing the tech changes in the school plans, specifically for special needs?


Faith>>are you employed by the district?


Amber>>most of my work is with technology instructional technology not AT


Hope>>do you see that the teachers want to learn about the changes and the equipment?


Amber>>by the district no


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>we're very interested in your work, Amber. as you can see.


Amber>>in some cases it is part of our evaluation plan esp with the Minority and Urban Institute (bladensburg project--not just Blandensburg


Amber>>in other cases it just the PD model I have developed for the ETO program that we have always utilized


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>do many schools participate in the PD model?


Amber>>Hope--if the program is a ...


Amber>>one day or 2 week session they might want to but I rarely see to much of a difference


Amber>>when they have taken courses over an extened period of time related their work, papers activites to classes and know I will be coming back YES


Hope>>thanks...if I were a teacher...I would want to keep up with this information... and even now as a parent I want to keep up with it


*-**** Hope left Room1. Time:Tue Oct  7 21:08:52 2003


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Amber, you're doing a lot of typing.  sorry.


Amber>>Hope how true it is so hard and so much for even an educated parent to keep track and up to date on


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Hope, what grade is your child in?  what county/ district?


Amber>>a side topic but if of interest OK


Amber>>relating back to the AT...


Hope>>Lorenzo is in kindergarten


Faith>>Tricia are you a parent as well?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>correct.  two children in catholic school.


Amber>>tell me a little about your thoughts on some of the common myths you read up on


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>kindergarten and grade 2.


Faith>>i think the biggest myth is the cost factor


Hope>>that it is the cure for all disabilities


Faith>>the whole 80/20 ratio


Amber>>Faith--you seem to be the only one without kids--I guess observing classrooms oer extended periods of time will count :-)


Hope>>I agree with Faith


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>one myth is also contained in your ppt...yes, complicated and expensive.  not so..AT can be low tech and low cost.


Faith>>and that most of it is low tech and low cost..


Amber>>but why do you think everyone equates AT with $$$$$


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Myth:  product descriptions are accurate.  an evaluation of the AT must be conducted.


Hope>>to those who have disabilities...some of the cost seems moot if it helps them function


Amber>>Hope--great point


Hope>>because it is new...or they do not know about it


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, Hope.  profound statement about cost being relative to functionality.


Amber>>I think another that isn't really mentioned directly is that most of the products fall under "traditional non AT" uses as well


Hope>>and some people are using tools that that were originally designed for handicap and they don't really know it


Hope>>for example, a fat pen or pencil


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i think it may be that people outside of the field think AT is expensive.  but if you go into a special contained classroom, their making use of all kinds of low tech devices to improve learning for their students.


Amber>>therefore perhaps folks do not consider them to be AT just Technology and what folks consider to be AT are the highly different products--just my idea


Hope>>or if you have to supply it for the population


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, Amber.  i agree.  there seems to be a misconception about AT. 


Faith>>so many teachers know nothing about it


Faith>>as in the josh scenario


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>another myth....


Amber>>I think there will be changes over time that are starting to take place now


Hope>>it seems that to lower cost on the high-tech items...that there has to be a bigger demand and competition producting them...and also if the products are "popular" then more people want them


Faith>>i still can't believe he didn't have an iep


Hope>>yes that was surprising


Amber>>Faith--many still do not even today


Amber>>depends on school systems but more so on the school itself as to how strong the educators are in following up


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>about's sad his family was uninformed.  myth:  AT users need to be evaluated only once.  needs change over time.  ongoing assessment is critical.


Amber>>and the fact that most general teachers do not feel that this is their responsibility or territory or that they have the expertise--I am not sure...


Hope>>so what happens to them when they leave public school...go off to they know about programs to help them?  or do they just suffer through like they did in grade school?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>there are disability offices in colleges.


Amber>>all I know is that MANY general teachers are not knowlegable about this entire are


Hope>>it took me over 13 years to find it


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>to find what, Hope?


Hope>>the disability office.


Amber>>I hope the background you had in the being of the course showed how important this really is


Amber>>Tricia so true things change so fast esp for elem and middle school stsudents


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, this information is so critical that we need a 2nd course in it..Amber..are you up for it?


Hope>>yes, it has given me a broader open mind and endless possibilities


Amber>>there changes behavioral and learning etc.. change in "spurts"


Hope>>is this class or similar classes required for the "education" degree here at UM?


Amber>>Hope tell us about what the colleges have had to help?


Amber>>here or other campuses?


Hope>>do you mean me?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i'll respond to Hope's question about education degree.  AT is a part of the tech. integration course for all education majors at towson.  for those student majoring in special education, an assistive technology course & a tech. integration course are required. in fact, marcye kaplan teaches the AT course for us.


Amber>>HA HA--they can barely fit tech into it--but all will be excited that we do have a technology certificate program being approved and this will be one of the courses


Amber>>someone said it took them 13 years to find something disability office who was that?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>it was Hope.


Amber>>Tricia when did Marcye start the course


Hope>>why is it only for special ed and AT teachers...especially if other teachers need to deal with students with special needs


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>fyi...i get a 'documented disability' notice for at least one student every semester. i think she started this semester.


Faith>>what is her disability?


Faith>>do they also provide you with the IEP?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>the classroom teachers get an AT component in their tech. integration course.  it's there, believe me.


Amber>>tricia interesting...I am sure she is not using it but she has this syllabus as we were going to run it through BC...interesting


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i can show documentation in the form of online student portfolios.


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>What's BC?


Hope>>do doctors help?? do they tell the student to seek help at school or acommodations?


Amber>>Batlimre County schools


Amber>>good question Hope


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>ah..yes.  she may be doing that also.  this particular AT course is for undergrads in the dual major: sped and ELED.


Amber>>and another question is where do they send the students for help?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Hope...many students have documented disabilites and request to take exams in the disability office---more time and no distractions in that environment.


Amber>>do they have to follow up on their own or do they help them walk through the process ?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i explain they are welcome to go there, but i like to have them close by in case they need my help. they usually opt to stay with me.


Hope>>so does that put up a red flag that they need an IEP?


Amber>>Ok ...


Hope>>or do the students don't want the label of being different?


Amber>>so we need a little more time to review the materials  since the flip flop of Friday Tuesday was a snag


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>no, they don't seem to mind having a disability.




Amber>>this upcoming Bye week will help


Amber>>I will also go ahead and post the same type of overviews with links and video clips etc... related to the voice and other devices


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>yes, more time for review *and organization* of material will be great. 


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Amber, before we sign off.....


Hope>>yes, I honestly can say I need more time


Faith>>what do you mean about more organization?


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i was unable to find the transcripts of online chats.  tell me, yes, once again, where they are located, please.  thanks.


Amber>>there will also be some mini activites that will be posted...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>for all my classes i have a binder and online portfolio.  for this class, i'm counting on all material to be saved, stored in webct.  after the semester, i'd like easy retrieval of information.


Amber>>I would like to have them in the discusion section so we can share and view what others have done rather than have you post and send for only me to se --does this meet with everyone?


Hope>>will it be under the discussion section or assignment section?


Hope>> is great to read everyone's thoughts


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>mini activities in discussion it.  if possible, i prefer not to open attachments.  it's ok..if that works best for you.   i'll open an attachment.


Amber>>Ok to answer Tricia and Grace also asked about the transcripts look in the course outline section --for example after tonights session I will post right after the date October 7th


Hope>> do you get yours to look so nice?


Amber>>does that make sense? where I have listed chat meet in room 1 October 7th 8:30


Amber>>it will be there


Hope>>okay thanks!


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i type everything in frontpage, and steal the html code from the html tab and paste the code into the discussion window.


Amber>>perhaps I should make it larger font or change the color


Hope>>that's great...I wish I had time to do that...


Amber>>related to Hope--I want to make sure I can most the questions or assignments activites in the dicussion thread area


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>thanks Amber.'s fast!


Amber>>some people might not want others to see what they have done


Amber>>the papers of course will be in assignment section


Hope>>okay, thanks for the clarification


Amber>>Faith and tricia is this OK




Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i see the link to transcripts.  papers will be in assignment--not too clear on that one.


Amber>>there is also some team/group work assigned (up now)


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>is anyone interested in starting a thread about our paper proposals?


Amber>>and I will post 2-3 weeks ahead to get us back on track and so Faith if you would like (and if time ) you can plan ahead of your trip


Amber>>sound OK


Amber>>Patricia I think this would be great can you start it


Hope>>okay.  tricia, I am game...


Faith>>i'm doing my paper on comparing new zealand's IT laws and the us...


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i'm sure everything will be clear.  sure, i'll start a thread.  if i have specific questions about upcoming assignments...i'll send an email.  ok? Faith, great topic...have fun with it!


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>Hope..i want to know what you look like!


Amber>>Let me know if you are unable to view the video clips so I can figure out the compression


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>i should be able to view video clips, one way or another.


Hope>>okay I will email you a picture


Faith>>can you email us all?




Amber>>Ok lots to do and learn about--great discussion ---about many things---:-)




Amber>>lets call it a night


Faith>>ok.. so we meet up in 2 weeks?


Amber>>Hope are you on campus?


Faith>>fri or tues?




Amber>>yes in 2 weeks


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>ok..good night.  see you online.


Hope>>in the garage again


Faith>>tues or fri?


Hope>>talk to everyone in the discussion section and email.. have a good night!


Amber>>be careful perhaps call for an escort-- next chats are on Fridays at lunch so you won't have to deal with campus for awhile


Faith>>great.. see you all then..


*-**** Faith left Room1. Time:Tue Oct  7 21:41:12 2003


Hope>>okay I will be careful


Patricia  Kathrine--Ryan>>bye.




*-**** Hope left Room1. Time:Tue Oct  7 21:41:23 2003


*-**** Patricia--Kathrine--Ryan left Room1. Time:Tue Oct  7 21:41:24 2003

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Last updated by Tricia Ryan on December 17, 2003.
Copyright Tricia Ryan.  All rights reserved.