The Nation’s most comprehensive selection of K12 CyberSecurity content and programs.
Programs are offered at the elementary, middle and high school level, and are offered before, after and within school as extension programs or through supplementary lessons/units infused into core content. In addition, we work in partnership with State Departments of Education and higher education institutions to offer a high school Cybersecurity CTE track.
CyberSTEM™ After School/Extension Units
The National CyberWatch Center K-12 enrichment programs are based on the highly successful ETPRO Young Scholars Program. The underlying theme of the program is to foster excellence in 21st century skills and digital literacy (technology fluency and applications, team building, collaboration tools, problem based critical thinking), which helps students succeed in college, and prepare themselves with the skills necessary to meet the shifting and constantly changing demands of the future workplace.
The member institutional partner programs (both two and four year) we support are housed in a variety of departments/schools. Thus, our content introduces students, educators and parents to a plethora of career pathways to include computer science, business, mathematics, engineering, criminal justice, psychology, information assurance, networking, information technology etc. Currently there are six topic threads that have been developed in collaboration with our partner IHE’s to meet their specific needs.
The six module themes are: Cryptography; Computational Logic/Programming; Digital Ethics, Safety and Security; System Vulnerabilities; Digital Forensics and Project Management. The six areas include activities that have been developed for grade bands 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Tied to partnering school system math, technology and science curriculum, students engage in hands-on STEM activities and improve digital literacy skills while learning and applying concepts through gaming, modeling and simulation development. Speakers and field trips are integrated in the programs. The central focus is the field of CyberSecurity, but it is supported by the too often neglected topics of citizen awareness of cyber education; Cyberethics, Cybersafety and Cybersecurity. An interdisciplinary approach engages students and adds relevance to the traditional curriculum.
Students learn about programming/computational logic, coding-decoding/cryptography, system vulnerabilities, digital forensics and careers in information assurance/cybersecurity, as well as learning more about the security clearance processes and identity management strategies.
Cyber Summer Programs
The National CyberWatch Center K-12 enrichment programs are based on the highly successful ETPRO Young Scholars Program. The underlying theme of the program is to foster excellence in 21st century skills and digital literacy (technology fluency and applications, team building, collaboration tools, problem based critical thinking), which helps students succeed in college, and prepare themselves with the skills necessary to meet the shifting and constantly changing demands of the future workplace.
Formal CyberSecurity High School Career Track
SECURE IT™: Strategies to Encourage Careers in CyberSecurity and IT
CyberROOTS™: Cyber-Ready for Opportunities and Occupations in Tech Security
Signature Events
Professional Development
Students/Parent Presentations