About Us The CyberWatch K12 Division extends the National CyberWatch Center mission to the K-12 community. Its mission is to advance cyber security education by leading collaborative efforts and strengthening the national cyber security workforce. The K-12 Division Goals include:
This is achieved through a four pronged approach:
The NCC K-12 Division is considered to be one of the nation’s most comprehensive sources for development, pilot, and delivery of K-12 cyber security content and programs. It is routinely sought out to assist with resources, curriculum, and development for programs across the country. To date, the NCC K-12 Division accomplishments include year-round in-school and after-school programs targeting elementary and middle school students, beginner and intermediate level summer camps targeting middle and high school students, commuter and residential student cyber defense competition boot camps, a formal CTE Cybersecurity Program of Study, an annual Cyberethics, Cybersafety and Cybersecurity (C3) Conference, Careers in Cybersecurity for School Counselors Workshops, a series of Cool Careers in Cybersecurity for Girls Workshop, an annual Cybersecurity Career Fair and Expo coordinated with the Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, a Cyber security CTE Educator Academy, a CyberSTEM Educator Academy, a series of online webinars, professional development activities, resources, a National K-12 Cyber Security Program Directory, and C3 and K-12 cyber security education related research studies. |
About Us |
The National CyberWatch Center (NCW) is a National Science Foundation funded Advanced Technology Education Center. The CW goals are focused on cyber security education at all levels, from elementary through graduate school and include curriculum development, faculty professional development, student development, career pathways, and public awareness. Since its founding as a consortium of 10 institutions in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, CW has achieved the following: grown to over 50 member institutions across multiple states; acquired multiple partner institutions, businesses, government agencies, and professional associations; developed model IA curricula, including complete courses for A.A.S. and A.S. degrees and for two IA certificates; assisted member institutions in mapping their cyber security courses to the Center for National Security Standards (CNSS) 4011 and/or 4013 standards; currently helping lead the national effort to create the Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Security Education for Community Colleges (CAE2Y) with NSF, NSA, and DHS; assisting all eligible CCs to apply for CAE2Y status; trained 450+ faculty through CW workshops and through sponsored courses at member institutions; built the Montgomery College Virtual Lab (MCVL), the University of Maryland Digital Forensics Lab (DFL), and the Bowie State University CW Underground Tunnel System (CUTS); initiated and still conduct these student competitions: Mid-Atlantic Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC), Digital Forensics Cup, and (in collaboration with Educause) Security Awareness Poster and Video Contest for higher education and K12; created a robust cyber security program for K-12 students including cybersecurity awareness materials for educators and parents, after school and summer programs, formal content modules, contests and competitions, and STEM related research studies. |