Annual Careers in CyberSecurity for School Counselors
School counselors are critical in the career choices of students. One day workshops introduce counselors to IA/IS, CyberSecurity and Digital Forensics career opportunities, and choices within these categories, as well as the multiple pathways to enter the workforce in these areas. Industry employers speak to participants about career opportunities, student internships, externships and other related opportunities.
School counselors learn about current and future career trends in IA/IS, receive updates and current promotional materials for distribution to interested students and parents, and discover how to use the CyberWatch Regional Center Web site to find answers to questions from parents, students, and other educators. Each counselor also receives resources and handouts.
20 stipends are made available through NSF (National Science Foundation) funding for 20 guidance counselors based on 1) first come first serve basis and 2) stipend participants are asked to create recruitment brochures/ fliers based on workshop content that will then be shared with students and parents (and other GC), and are asked to share their knowledge through a presentation to other staff, parents and or students. Stipend awardees are required to attend the stipend briefing. Materials are added to the website for others to view, utilize and share.
The Goals of the School Counselors Workshop are to
- Increase counselor awareness of the workforce needs of the United States in IS/IA and related fields (digital forensics, homeland security, network security, systems administrator, cybersecurity) and requirements (clearances) including 2 and 4 year and certification tracks.
- Increase the knowledge of counselors about the Regional CyberWatch Center and its benefits to students and the future technology workforce.
- Share the connection between the CyberWatch program and post-secondary success at partnering colleges and universities.
2012 Maryland School Counselor Workshops
- Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2012). Careers in Cybersecurity: Maryland and National Focus. Prince George's County Public Schools High School School Counselors. PGCPS.
- Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2012). Careers in Cybersecurity: Maryland and National Focus. Prince George's County Public Schools Middle School School Counselors. PGCPS.
- Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2012). Careers in Cybersecurity: Maryland and National Focus. Montgomery County Public Schools District School Counselors Conference. Gaithersburg, MsD. MCPS.
2011 Maryland School Counselor Workshop
- Recruitment Flier [PDF]
- Program and Agenda [PDF]
- Press release [PDF]
- Stipend Agreement [PDF]
- Sign In Sheet [PDF]
- Competition handout [PDF]
- CyberWatch K12 Overview [PDF]
- ETPRO Parent C3 Booklet [PDF]
- CW K12 Careers Poster [PDF]
- Security Clearance Overview [PDF]
- Careers in Cybersecurity [PDF]
- Career Pathway Ideas [PDF]
- Career Matrix [PDF]
- Follow up Banner [PDF]
- Occupation Projections [Excel]
- Good Tech Habits [PDF]
- DHS Cyber Job Outlook [PDF]
- SANS Salary Survey [PDF]
- Peggy Maxson's Presentation [PDF]
- John Baker's Link to DC3 Competition
- Dr. Blair Taylor presentation (Towson) [PDF]
- Nicole Smith's presentation [PDF]
- Brain Zhang's Presentation [PDF]
- Marc Noble's (ISC)2 Presentation 1 [PDF]
- Pictures
- Evaluation (Smile Sheet) [PDF]
- Hagerstown CC Program Overview [PDF]
- Final Report [PDF]
2010 Maryland School Counselor Workshop
Recruitment Flier [PDF]
- Program and Agenda [PDF]
- Press release [PDF]
- Stipend Agreement [PDF]
- Sign In Sheet [PDF]
- Competition handout [PDF]
- CyberSecurity Need [PPT]
- Career levels and pathways [PPT]
- Information Security: Still a Growth Career [PPT]
- Follow up Banner [PDF]
- Occupation Projections [Excel]
- Poster 1 [PDF]
- Good Tech Habits [PDF]
- DHS Cyber Job Outlook [PDF]
- C3 Parent/Educator Guide [PDF]
- Human Firewall Poster [PDF]
- SANS Salary Survey [PDF]
- SECURE IT Press Release [PDF]
- Cyber Security Need: A National Growth Career: Lockheed Martin [PDF]
- Preparing the New Generation of Security Professionals [PDF]
- Information Security: Still a Growth Career: (ISC)2 [PDF]
State IS/IA/Digital Forensics:Cyberdefense Career Workshop #2 Materials
Jennifer M. Allen, M.Ed., NCC
Professional School Counselor
Parkville High School
Zelma K. Pugh
Professional School Counselor
Calvert Career Center
Calvert Country School
Theresa Connors
Dorchester County Public Schools
Mace's Lane Middle School
Joshua Grubka, M. Ed., NCC
Professional School Counselor
Baltimore County Public Schools |
Billy Joe Aris 
Calvert High School |
Marlyn A. Oatts
Harper's Choice Middle School
State School Counselor Workshop #1
Rochelle Davis
Gaithersburg High School
Montgomery County Public Schools
[Word ... PDF]
Erik Deahl [Website]
Patuxent High School
Calvert County Public Schools
Rosita Herndon
Prince George's County Public Schools
[PPT ... PDF]
John Komosa, LCPC School Counselor Lansdowne High School
Tammy Patterson
Montgomery County Public Schools
[Publisher ... PDF]
Diane Privette
Prince George's Public Schools
[Publisher ... PDF] |
Raolat Raji, M.Ed
9th grade Professional School Counselor
Oxon Hill High School
[PPT ... PDF]
Elmoria I. Stewart
College / Career Information Coordinator Quince Orchard High School
[Publisher ... PDF]
Joan Strasnick
College & Career Information Coordinator Wheaton High School
[PDF] |
Karen Thoben
ECC Counselor
Fort Foote Elementary
[Pub ... PDF] |
Sharon Williams
Clarksburg High School
[Pub ... PDF]