Educational Technology Policy, Research, & Outreach


AAAS/GW Fellows
CPS 291
Using Technology in Science Education

Week 7
Last Session

Session12: AT/UDL/DD

June 23, 2008


Quick Links

Due Tonight:

All work and Final Project/Papers are due before or by close of business Monday June 30th (in order for grades to be submitted)

Be Ready to Discuss in Class:

Discussions: [Word ... PDF]

Please Post to Blackboard Discussion Threads before class on Mon June 23rd.

  • 12.1 Translator
  • 12.2 Web Accessibility
  • 12.3 Cultural WebQuest
  • 12.4 Cultural Bias
  • 12.5 UD Consulting
    • A Handbook on Universal Design for Learning and Accessible Technology [Word ... PDF]
    • Joey Case Study [Word ... PDF]
    • UDL Framework [Excel]
  • 12.6 Reflection
Tonight in Class:
  • Review weeks discussions
  • Assistive technology, Universal Design and Digital Divide/Digital Inequity

Follow Up Homework/Read:
Please make sure:

  • Double check that all assignments have been completed
  • Please forward Final Paper/Project by June 30th


Educational Technology Policy,
Research, & Outreach
  Copyright © 2009 ETPRO