The C3® Conference is a high quality professional development event for educators in Maryland and the mid-Atlantic region. The core mission of the C3® Conference is to inform the educational community about the ethical, legal, safety, and security implications of technology use and illustrate how educators and parents can apply these concepts to their own setting.
This year we are excited to partner with the Maryland State Department of Education to offer a full day of content related to promising practices for the prevention of bullying and harassment, including online behaviors. Combining the 3nd Annual Maryland Conference on the Prevention of Bullying and Harassment with the C3 Conference provides a unique opportunity for more educators to attend both events at a single location.
Participants will hear from state and local educators, law enforcement, internet safety/security curriculum providers, researchers, and policy makers on a broad range topics to include: current and pending legislation, educational initiatives available, the latest "hot topics" to include cyberbullying, identity theft and sexting, internet safety provider updates, online reputation management, wireless and social networking security, newly released online interactive simulations and games that promote responsible online behavior, research based promising practices for the prevention of bullying and harassment, C3 framework and matrix, and much more. Digital Media Literacy encompasses Cyberethics, safety and security. Come learn how to guide students in using technology and digital media in a safe and responsible way.
Sponsorship and Exhibitor
Connect with state and local school system decision makers
Be recognized in the online and print conference program
Share your organization's unique C3 initiatives
Sponsoring the C3 Conference gives you visibility across the educational community and can spotlight your C3 initiatives across the public and private sectors. For more information view our sponsorship page.