Educational Technology Policy, Research, & Outreach


AAAS/GW Fellows
CPS 291
Using Technology in Science Education

Week 6

Session10: Technology for Instruction and Learning
Software Functions & Technology Applications

June 16, 2008


Quick Links

Due Tonight:

All work and Final Project/Papers are due before or by close of business Monday June 30th (in order for grades to be submitted)

Discussions: [Word ... PDF]

Please Post to Blackboard Discussion Threads before class on Mon June 16th.

  • 10.1 Multi-media WebQuests
  • 10.2 Search Engines
  • 10.3 Web Evaluation
  • 10.4 Three Categories of Websites
  • 10.5 Simulations
  • 10.6 Science Resources

Tonight in Class:

  • Review weeks discussions
  • MM and Hyper media tools, simulations and resources
  • Scratch

Follow Up Homework/Read:

At no other time have teachers been so desperately grasping for proven classroom applications of IT. Teachers' use of expensive educational software has or is starting to give way to more innovative use of standard, readily available applications (Thompson, Simonson & Hargrave, 1996; Pruitt-Mentle, 2005). More recently has seen the influx of "Alternative Formats and Environments" that can be added to the teachers repertoire of technology "tools". Online learning management systems (LMS) like WebCT, Blackboard and Moddle have started to cross over from higher education and enter the K-12 arena (mostly high school). Listserves and bulletin boards have also entered into play. Educators are also starting to look at if and if so how, newer technologies like Social Networking Environments (FaceBook), Webcasts, ipods (pod casts), blogs, Wikis can play a part in the educational agenda. Still educators search for models, strategies and techniques that prove to be successful. We will use this session to explore these modes of deliver---and perhaps add insight into our own perceptions and creations as to how these can be used "successfully" in today's classroom.




Be Ready to Discuss in Class:

Discussions: [Word ... PDF]

Please Post to Blackboard Discussion Threads before class on Wed June 18th.

  • 11.1 Learning Environments
  • 11.2 Open Source
  • 11.3 Listserv
  • 11.4 webcast
  • 11.5 Blog
  • 11.6 Web 2.0
Skim Resources on Learning Theories that we will refer to throughout the course


Educational Technology Policy,
Research, & Outreach
  Copyright © 2009 ETPRO