Educational Technology Policy, Research, & Outreach


AAAS/GW Fellows
CPS 291
Using Technology in Science Education

Week 1
Session 1: Introductions, Course Briefing, Profiles, and Word Basics

May 12, 2008

Quick Links

  • Abbreviated Syllabi: Note: 12 Sessions [Word ... PDF]
  • Course Content [PPT]

Welcome and Logistics

  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Introduction to the course
  • Reviewing the class format/procedures
  • Pre-course Survey Profile

Due Tonight

  1. Complete the pre-profile instrument [Word ... PDF]

Follow-up Read

Follow-up Homework

  • Bring an example of a test/quiz
  • Bring an example of lecture notes/graphic organizer and/or PPT used in class
In Class Topic: Word Basics
  • Word and Digital
    • Font Type
    • Font Size
    • Color
    • Formatting
    • Spacing
    • Note Taking
    • Track Changes
    • Inserting Comments


Educational Technology Policy,
Research, & Outreach
  Copyright © 2009 ETPRO