in the General Classroom |
698I: Assistive Technology/Universal Design for the General Classroom
Setting Introduction This is a website I developed as a part of my course work in EDUC 698I: Assistive Technology/Universal Design for the General Classroom Setting (Davina Pruitt-Mentle, Instructor) at the University of Maryland. This course is composed of theory and practical assignments which investigate the role of Assistive Technology/Universal Design in the general classroom setting. Through engaging and thought provoking discussion questions, activities, case study analyses, most of which are documented here in this website, I have developed knowledge, attitudes, and skills that will enable me to use assistive technology to deliver instruction to students with and without disabilities. The purpose
of this website is to transfer the information I gained in this course
to people who are interested in AT and Universal Design.
© 2003 Yesim Yilmazel-Sahin. All rights reserved. Last Modified December, 2003.