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CyberSTEM Programs
Pre/Post & Self-Efficacy Survey

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey, which takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. The information helps us tweak the content depending on your background information and input. At the end of the program we will ask you to complete the survey once again, which will help us learn about how we can improve our content and make our program more appealing to students your age. No information will be shared.

Student Name:     First Name      Last Name

2. Ethnicity: (You may check more than one, as appropriate)

African/Black American
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Asian & Pacific American
Latina/Latino/Hispanic American
White American

3. Education: Choose the grade that you are in now or, if it is summer, check the grade you will enter next fall:         3b. Name of High School (or Home Schooled):
3c. Expected High School Graduation Year:
    4. From the list below, check which classes you are currently taking in school this year OR, if you have completed a school year, the classes that you plan to take in your next school year. Check all that apply.
       Algebra 2    General Math
       Calculus    Geometry
       Chemistry    History/Social Studies
       Computer Applications    Music
       Computer Science    Physics
       Drafting or CAD (Computer-Aided Drawing)    Pre-Calculus
       Earth or Physical Science    Technology Education
       Engineering    Other math, engineering or science courses
    4a. Are you currently enrolled in honors or advanced classes?
    Not Available
      If yes please specify:
    4b. Have you been encouraged to enroll in honors or advanced classes? 
    Not Available
      If yes please specify the people who encouraged you:
    5a. Has anyone talked to you about taking classes that will prepare you for college?
      If yes please specify:
    5b. Has anyone talked to you about taking math for your future career?
      If yes please specify:
    6. Has anyone talked to you about the field of information assurance or cybersecurity?
       Family members   Science teacher
       Family friends    Computer teacher
       Guidance counselor    Other (provide kind of person or teacher, not name):
7. What do you plan to do when you graduate from high school?
    What is the highest level of formal education completed by your parents?
9. If you go to college, do you think you will pursue a career in a technology-related field?
Don’t Know
10. In your future, do you think you want to have a career that makes use of technology?
Don't Know
11. Have you ever considered a career field like computer science, engineering, bio technology, digital forensics, cryptography etc.?
Don’t Know
12. Let’s pretend you could only choose from the following list of possible career choices to go into (just pretend) – select your top three.
   Network Administrator   Information Security Officer
   Network or Security Analyst    System, Network and/or Web Penetration tester
   IT Programmer   Computer/Security Crime Lawyer
   Linguist   Network and Systems Engineer
   Cyber Risk and Strategic Analysis     Intelligence and Investigation
    System Administrator     Database Administrator
   Digital Forensic Analyst

Tell Us About Your Goals: The following statements describe work or jobs you might do in the future. Tell us how important each of the items below is to you in your future work.

How important is it to you to do . . .

a. Work that makes me think
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
b. Work that allows me to make lots of money
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
c. Work that allows me to use math, technology, engineering or science skills
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
d. Work that allows me to tell other people what to do
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
e. Work that allows me to help solve problems and create solutions
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
f. Work that is fun to do
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
g. Work that allows me to have time with family
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
h. Work that allows me to help my community and/or society
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
i. Work that makes people think highly of me
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
j. Work that is satisfying to me
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important

14. What do you think information assurance or cybersecurity specialists do that could make a difference in your life (either good or bad)?  Make a list in the space below.

Tell us what you do

15.    If you encounter a math homework problem that you don’t know how to solve, what are you most likely to do? Check no more than 3 options below. 

   Call or meet with a friend who you know is good at math and ask her or him for help so I can solve it
   Contact Homework Hotline or similar resource
   Get help from my math teacher on this problem
   Work it out with my study group
   Go to the teacher's Web page for help
   Copy the answer from one of my friends
   Search the Internet for help
   Take some time and try to figure out how to best approach solving this problem
    Other (please specify):
16. Lets have some fun! These are examples of  cryptograms:


ciphertext = 'jaeiextostgpsacgreamqwfkadpmqzv
password = [1, 1, 25, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]
def decrypt(n, c):
c = ord(c) - ord('a')
p = (c + password[n % len(password)] -1) % 26
return chr(ord('a') + p)
print "".join([decrypt(n, c) for n, c in enumerate(ciphertext)])

Check the box below that best describes your ability to learn to solve these cryptograms or similar  problems?
Check only one.

  I can teach myself to solve this problem.
  I will be able to learn to solve this problem once I take the right classes.
  Even if I took the right class, I wouldn’t be able to learn to solve this problem.
  I don’t think I will ever take a class that has problems this hard.
  I am not interested in learning to solve this type of problem.
    Other (please specify):

17. The table lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate box to tell us how often you do each of these things.

Very Often
a. When I see a new math problem, I can use what I have learned to solve the problem.

b. I can use what I know to design and build something mechanical that works.

c. In lab activities, I can use what I have learned to design a solution.

d. I can effectively lead a team to design and build a hands-on project.

e. I know where I can find the information that I need to solve difficult problems.

f. I can use what I have learned to teach myself how to program a computer game.

g. I can explain math or science to my friends to help them understand.

h. I can get good grades in math.

i. I can get good grades in science.

Tell us what you think

18. Here is a list of statements. Tell us what you think about them. Select a response that indicates your level of agreement.

  How much do you agree or disagree with this sentence?
  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
a. I look forward to science class in school.

b. I look forward to math class in school.

c. I would rather solve a problem by doing an experiment than be told the answer.

d. More time should be spent on hands-on projects in science or technology activities at school.

e. I would like to (or already do) belong to a science or technology activities club.

f. I get bored when I watch programs on channels like Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Nova, Mythbusters, etc.

g. I like to get science books or science experiments kits as presents.

h. I like learning how things work.

i. Science is too hard when it involves math.

j. Science is a difficult subject.

k. Doing experiments in science class is frustrating.

l. I feel comfortable with using a computer to make graphs and tables.

m. I am interested in learning more about how computers work.

n. I like to learn to use new computer software.


19. What does the word cybersecurity mean to you?

Below are statements about studying STEM careers such as cybersecurity. To the left of each statement indicate whether you Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Slightly Disagree, Neither Disagree nor Agree, Slightly Agree, Agree, Strongly Agree, or Don’t Know by choosing the appropriate selection.

To the right of each statement circle the appropriate number to indicate whether the statement is Very Unimportant, Unimportant, Neither Important nor Unimportant, Important, or Very Important to you in terms of completing an engineering program.

To what extent do you AGREE? How IMPORTANT is this?

0 = Strongly Disagree  0 = Very unimportant
1 = Disagree                   1 = Unimportant
2 = Slightly Disagree          2 = Neither Important nor Unimportant
3 = Neither Disagree nor Agree     3 = Important
4 = Slightly Agree  4 = Very Important
5 = Agree  
6 = Strongly Agree  
7 = Don’t Know  
20. I can relate to the people around me in my classes
21. I think I can succeed in a STEM curriculum field like cybersecurity
22. I have a lot in common with the other students in my classes
23. Someone like me can succeed in a STEM curriculum field like cybersecurity
24. The other students in my classes share my personal interests
25. I can succeed in a STEM curriculum field like cybersecurity while not having to give up participation in my outside interests (e.g., extracurricular activities, family, sports)
26. I can relate to the people around me in my extracurricular activities
27. I think I will succeed (earn an A or B) in my science courses
28. I think I will succeed (earn an A or B) in my math courses

Directions:  For each statement below indicate whether you Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Slightly Disagree, Neither Disagree nor Agree, Slightly Agree, Agree, Strongly Agree, or Don’t Know by selecting the appropriate number or symbol.

I am confident that …
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know
29. I can complete the math requirements for most computer/technology majors

30. Doing well at math will enhance my career/job opportunities

31. A degree in information assurance/cybersecurity will allow me to obtain a well paying job

32. I can excel in cybersecurity

33. I will be treated fairly on the job. That is, I expect to be given the same opportunities for pay raises and promotions as my fellow workers if I enter cybersecurity

34. I can complete a cybersecurity degree

35. I can cope with not doing well on a test

36. A degree in information assurance/cybersecurity will give me the kind of lifestyle I want

37. I can make friends with people from different backgrounds and/or values

38. Doing well at math will increase my sense of self-worth

39. I will feel “part of the group” on my job if I enter information assurance/cybersecurity

40. I can complete the technology requirements for most cybersecurity majors

41. Taking math courses will help me to keep my career options open

42. I can cope with friends’ disapproval of my chosen career

43. A degree in information assurance/cybersecurity will allow me to get a job where I can use my talents and creativity

44. I can cope with being the only person of my race/ethnicity in a class

45. I can adjust to life as a college or university student

46. A degree in information assurance/cybersecurity will allow me to obtain a job that I like

47. At the present time, how confident are you that you will be enrolled in an information assurance/cybersecurity program in the next 5 years?

48. At the present time, how confident are you that you will complete any information assurance/cybersecurity program?

49. At the present time, how confident are you that you will complete any degree in college

Tell Us Why You are Here

50. Why did you choose to attend this activity? Check all that apply.

   Learn more about Information Assurance/Cybersecurity    Learn more about different majors in college (e.g., engineering, science, computers, etc.)
   Learn about what scientists do    Make my parents/guardians happy
   Meet others with interests similar to mine   Help me to do well in school
   Not sure   Other:


51. How did you hear about this activity?  Check all that apply.

   A teacher at my school told me about it    My parents told me about it
  I or my parents did a Web/Internet search    I received something in the mail
   Someone who went to this program told me about it   Other:

Thank You!

Davina Pruitt-Mentle, Ph.D.
Executive Director/ Senior Researcher :
Educational Technology Policy, Research, and Outreach
(301) 503-8070              (410) 531-3910       -


5333 Broadwater
Clarksville, MD 21029
IRB 02-3699   ©2013 ETPRO



For questions, please contact:

Dr. Davina Pruitt-Mentle
301 503 8070