American Youth Policy Forum: Connecting Kids to Technology: Challenges and Opportunities- DC Hill – July 18th

·        Only funding that may still be around in 2003 is 15M for Technology in housing

·        Tony Wilhelm from the Benton Foundation and Felipe M. Floresca, with the Anne E. Casey Foundation, discussed the findings from a new study their respective organizations have jointly produced.  “Connecting Kids to Technology: Challenges and Opportunities,” A KIDS COUNT Snapshot Report, contains state-by-state data reports showing a large, persistent gap between kids connected to technology and kids who aren’t, despite the nationwide increase in computer and Internet access during the late 1990’s.




Benton Foundation continued:




·        Other resources:

o       Litan, Robert E., and Alice M. Rivlin.  Beyond the Dot.Coms: The Economic Promise of the Internet. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2001.

o       Executive Office of the President of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.  The Budget of the U.S. – FY 2003. Washington DC: GPO, February 2002. Available at hppt://

o       U.S. Department of Commerce.  A Nation Online.  Washington DC: US Dept of Commerce, 2002. Available at:

o       U.S. Department of Commerce.  Falling Through the Net: Toward Digital Inclusion, Washington DC: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000.  Available at:

o       Chow, Clifton, Jan Ellis, June Mark, and Bart Wise.  Impact of CTCNetAffilates: Findings from a National Survey of Users of Community Technology Centers. Newton, MA: Educational Department Center, Inc., 1998.  Also available at  Results show that 65% of respondents took classes at a technology center to improve their job skills.  Of the job-seekers surveyed, 43% surveyed, 43 % said they had either gotten a job or were a lot closer to it as a result of using the technology center. 

o       Macias, Elsa, Sara Jones, Mary Buck, Carlos Solis and Richard Cutler.  Network Technologies in Hispanic-Serving Organizations: A Case Study Approach. Claremeont, CA: Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, 2001. Avaialable at

o       21st Century Community Centers (CCLC’s) may be found at

o       TOP’s Web Site at

o       Crandell, Robert W., and Charles L. Jackson.  The $500 Billion Opportunity: The Potential Economic Benefit of Widespread Diffusion of Broadband Internet Access. Washington D.C. Criterion Economics, L.L.C, 2001. Available at

o       T.O.R.C.H. Program – NSBE Technical Outreach Community Help


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