EDUC 477/698O:

Assistive Technology/Universal Design for the General Classroom Settings

Session 13/14: Universal Design in Curriculum Design and Assessment


Responses Due 2-1-07




Our journey so far has allowed us to explore a wide variety of assistive technology applications, software, multi and hyper media and other tech gadgets, gizmos and bells and whistles and UD strategies. Now what do we do with all this?

An educator is asked to address several topics (the curriculum) that sometimes even include technology- which are usually based on local school system curriculum guides which are usually developed to address the Content Standards and Outcomes for particular grade levels determined by the state. So if the "content" is fairly detailed, why do teachers' deliveries vary so much? Why do some students "get it" while others do not? Why do students still "fail" even when their teacher's delivery is exciting? Why do some teachers integrate technology while others do not? How do teachers effectively integrate technology? These are the questions we will explore over this week.

This session will start "with the end in mind". Using the Teaching for Understanding (TfU) framework and Wiggins and McTighe's Understanding by Design reading we will explore how best to design instruction utilizing University Design, and then consider all the wonderful tools () we have explored--what technology (or AT) would be most effective?


Begin by reading Wiggins and McTighe (end of chapter 1), Application of Backward Design [Archived PDF] and then the Class notes [Word ... PDF] and the 2 accompanied websites TfU

You may have found that the information from this session has captured your attention and would like to read further. Here are additional resources

You may have found that the information from this session has captured your attention and would like to read further. Here are additional resources: Educational Technology Research Journals and Educational Technology Organizations (reports, white papers and other publications) and CREDE and ETO Diversity resources, ETO AT/UD resources, ETO Family, School, & Community Resources.

Asynchronous Postings:

Please read the class summaries for the previous session’s threads

  • 13.1/14.1 TfU
  • 13.2/14.2 Utilizing TfU
  • 13.3/14.3 Blackhurst
  • 13.4/14.4 Framework

Post by Thursday February 1, 2007.

Also note all work including Final Reflection and Final Paper/project are due no later than 2-15-07