Student Evaluation Page

Poster Rubric


** 2 is the highest with 0 as the lowest.                                                                                     **Back to Webquest





Why are the rainforests important?

The poster has 2 detailed reasons why the rainforests are important.

The poster has only 1 reason why the rainforests are important.

No reason is given why the rainforests are important.

Why are the rainforests endangered?

The poster fully explains why rainforest are endangered.

The poster partially explains why rainforests are endangered.

The poster does not explain why rainforests are endangered.

What can kids do to help the rainforest?

The poster fully describes 3 ways kids can help the rainforests.

The poster explains 2 ways kids can help the rainforests.

The poster has 1 way or no ways that kids can help the rainforests.

What are 2 plants and 2 animals from the rainforest?

The poster lists 2 plants and 2 animals that depend on the rainforest for survival.

The poster lists only 3 (plants and animals) that depend on the rainforest.

The poster has 2 or less animals and plants that depend on the rainforest.

What are 2 products from the rainforest?

The poster depicts 2 products that originate from the rainforest.

The poster depicts 1 product from the rainforest.

The poster has no products from the rainforest.

Creativity, persuasive language

The poster is rich in creativity and persuasive language that appeals to its audience.

The poster attempts to use creativity and persuasive language, but is only partially effective. 

The poster is lacking in persuasive language and creativity. 


The poster is neat in handwriting, pictures, color and layout.

The poster is somewhat neat, has room for improvement.

The poster has no color, poor handwriting, and messy layout.


The poster is free from errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar (to the extent that is appropriate for the intended grade).

The poster has minor errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.  These errors do not interfere with the meaning of the poster.

The poster has many errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.  These mistakes interfere with the meaning of the poster or are completely inappropriate for the intended grade.