AT devices used especially for communication include:
1) Gus! Pocket Communicator
2) Step-by-Step communicator
3) Tech Talk
4) Aurora Suite
1) Working on improving written communication skills
2) Implementing AT in general classroom
3) Working on improving communication for kids who use PCS.
Great outcomes were seen in a lot of the counties. They include:
1) Baltimore – improved written communication in 10 schools
2) Allegany – they increased their MSPAP scores by 10% for 3rd & 5th
3) Prince Georges – created a training program for staffer
Yes – Allegany county
Some factors/questions to be asked in determining if a child needs augmentative
communication include:
1) determine whether the child’s quality of life would be increased
with the use of the device
2) they directly tie the child’s quality to these three aspects:
whether they will be able to control their environment, socialization,
and conversations.
3) If the child’s speech is delayed or not expected to develop
4) Whether the academic, social, cognitive development will be diminished
because of his lack of communication
The mission of the ATIA is to provide conferences and education regarding AT. I didn’t see anything on the webpage titled a mission statement though.
They represent manufacturers of assistive technology devices/services.
According to this organization, AT is defined as “any item, piece
of equipment, product or system, whether acquired commercially off the
shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.”
The goals of this organization are to have AT conferences which will provide
education to those interested in using AT. The conferences are open to
professionals, teachers, physicians, etc. They also work with organizations
and the government as a “common voice”.
AT is required for any child with a disability deemed appropriate and for any working individual.
AT can be paid for by medicare, Medicaid, schools, social security, and insurance.
Communication products include devices to speak for a user, both on a pc and in the portable form.