Ancient Civilizations or Zoos

America's Homepage - Fieldtrip of Washington, D.C The Birmingham Zoo in Birmingham, AL. - This site provides a "Meet the animals" page which has pictures and fact sheets about many of the exotic animals living in the zoo. The Electronic Zoo - Here you'll find information on hundreds of animals. The links take you to scientific information, games, fact sheets, care guides, pictures, stories and recordings of animals from all over the world. The Mayan Civilization MayaQuest is truly a virtual fieldtrip. Used to be free The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. The 9 Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System - This is a one-stop fieldtrip! The World Wide Web Virtual Library - Zoos - This is a long list of links to zoos around the world. It also includes links to pages about zoology and other animal-related topics. Some sites of special interest listed on this page include: Web66: A K-12 World Wide Web - Look here to find a list of the schools on the Internet. Check out the guide to setting up technology on a Macintosh. Learn how to set up networks. And, stop by the email discussion group for educators