Lab Report : Crucial Concentration
Teacher Name: Crystal Snowden
Student Name:     ________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Experimental Hypothesis Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is clear and reasonable based on what has been studied. Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is reasonable based on general knowledge and observations. Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results has been stated, but appears to be based on flawed logic. No hypothesis has been stated.
Participation Used time well in lab and focused attention on the experiment. Used time pretty well. Stayed focused on the experiment most of the time. Did the lab but did not appear very interested. Focus was lost on several occasions. Participation was minimal OR student was hostile about participating.
Safety Lab is carried out with full attention to relevant safety procedures. The set-up, experiment, and tear-down posed no safety threat to any individual. Lab is generally carried out with attention to relevant safety procedures. The set-up, experiment, and tear-down posed no safety threat to any individual, but one safety procedure needs to be reviewed. Lab is carried out with some attention to relevant safety procedures. The set-up, experiment, and tear-down posed no safety threat to any individual, but several safety procedures need to be reviewed. Safety procedures were ignored and/or some aspect of the experiment posed a threat to the safety of the student or others.
Conclusion Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis, possible sources of error, and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment. No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection.
Analysis The relationship between the variables is discussed and trends/patterns logically analyzed. Predictions are made about what might happen if part of the lab were changed or how the experimental design could be changed. The relationship between the variables is discussed and trends/patterns logically analyzed. The relationship between the variables is discussed but no patterns, trends or predictions are made based on the data. The relationship between the variables is not discussed.
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Date Created: Jun 23, 2008 05:10 pm (CDT)